

How many calories can you lose a hour on a trampoline?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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u can loose about 200 kcal , seriousely even more

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Q: How many calories can you lose a hour on a trampoline?
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About 200kcal, and more depending on how vigorous the workout. So get bouncing!

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Around max 3 calories per min, so up to 180 calories per hour by sitting.

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To lose 2400 calories a day you should do fast walking at least an hour and stepping stair an hour will also be helpful.

How many calories burned in 10 minutes on a trampoline?

The answer is 200 calories. The trampoline is the second fastest calorie burner on the planet. Trampolining - correctly, using routines (not just bopping around) - burns 3 times more calories than jogging. 30 minutes of jogging at 5.5 km per hour burns 407 calories. Therefore trampolining burns 200 in just 10 minutes.

How many calories are burned on a trampoline?

Trampolining is the second fastest calorie burner on the planet, if you use the trampoline correctly and do routines. It can burn calories 3 times faster that jogging. Jogging @ 5.5kms per hour may burn 407 calories per hour (depending on various other factors). So 20 minutes on the trampoline may burn the same amount of calories depending on various factors such as your weight, level of fitness, etc. It is important that you learn a few basic moves and put them into a routine to gain the full benefits of the Trampoline exercise.

If you eat only 1000 calories a day how many pounds could you lose in a week if you weigh 210 pounds and do about an hour dog walking and 15 minutes on a trampoline daily?

Each person has a different rate of metabolism and will gain or lose weight depending on the difference between calories consumed and calories expended. You should not restrict food intake if it results in loss of muscle, and losing fat usually requires more exercise than is indicated.(see related nutrition values link)