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Q: How many calories does a UPS driver burn per day?
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How many calories does fifty sit ups burns?

Sit-ups have to be done briskly in order to burn a significant amount of calories. Fifty sit-ups on average would only burn about 30 calories.

How many calories do you burn when you do 50 push ups if you are 80 pounds?

The number of calories burned during 50 push-ups would depend on factors like age, gender, and intensity. However, on average, a person weighing 80 pounds may burn around 40-60 calories by doing 50 push-ups.

How many carbs do you burn when you do 30 sit-ups?

Doing 30 sit-ups will only burn about 7 calories. The amount of carbs burned is not really something that can be determined as it usually goes by calories.

How many sit ups would you do to burn 800 calories?

Bad news: 8000

Do isometric exercises burn a lot of calories?

Isometric exercise will not burn very many calories. While it does burn some, it is a strength training exercise, whereas something like sit ups or running burns calories.

How many sit ups burn 300 calories?

It would be practically impossible to lose weight just with exercise alone. An average person weighing 145 lbs. would need to perform a total of 17,500 sit-ups in order to burn a pound of fat which is equivalent to 3500 calories. This is why doctors recommend combining diet and exercise.

How many calories do you burn doing 500 step-ups?

104 calories are burned by doing only 12 minutes of step ups but I don't know about the number of step ups that is, hope I helped xoxoxoxoxox

How much sit ups burn 100 calories?


How many calories are burned doing 300 sit-ups?

If you were to do situps for a continuous ten minutes vigoursly you would burn 90 calories.

How many calories can you burn doing 100 sit ups?

Not very many, but doing all 100 of them in a row will give abs to your abs. I don't know but if you want to burn calories jogging is a better way to do it.

How many sit-ups do you have to do for your waist size to lose two inches?

The number of sit-ups that you need to do to lose two inches depends on many factors. The first is how much you weigh when you begin. The second is how long it takes to do those sit-ups. The faster you do them, the more calories you burn. Doing 100 sit-ups in 10 minutes will burn approximately 57 calories.

How many sit-ups does it take to burn off the calories in a bottle of soda?

In a 16 ounce bottle of soda, there are about 184 calories. The rate at which the sit-ups are performed will determine the amount of calories burned. If 100 sit-ups in around 10 minutes, 57 calories. It would take around 300 sit-ups in 30 minutes.