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None. You are probably referring to keywords but keywords are not commands. In computing, a command is something that executes machine code in a timely manner (i.e., as immediately as possible). C keywords do not execute any code because the keywords are not immediately executable. In order to execute C code it must first be compiled and then linked, at which point it is no longer C, it is native machine code, and that machine code executes completely independently of the source code. The C compiler can also output an assembly source which allows us to view the machine code in a more user-friendly manner. Again, assembly is non-executable so there are no commands; we must assemble the source to create the native executable code, the only language the machine actually understands.

All C keywords are built-in identifiers that have special significance to the language itself. User-defined identifiers also have significance but, unlike keywords, we must declare their significance in terms of the language before we can actually use them in our code. By contrast, built-in identifiers do not need to be declared before we use them because the compiler already knows what they represent (hence they are built-in).

Many C keywords represent built-in data types, type modifiers, type information (operators) and storage classes:

bool, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, short, signed, sizeof(), static, struct, typedef, unsigned, void

The remainder represent high-level control flow constructs:

break, case, continue, default, do, else, for, goto, if, return, static, switch, while

C also supports preprocessor directives and one preprocessor operator which are not part of the language itself, but are used specifically by the C preprocessor in order to generate C code for the compiler as part of the compilation process. Given that the compiler never actually sees them, they are not keywords, however they are included here for the sake of completeness.

#define, defined(), #elif, #else, #endif, #error, #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #include, #pragma, #undef

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It's easy: there are no commands in C, but a few statements (such as: expression, if, else, switch, while, do-while, for, break, continue, return and goto), and countless library functions (like printf, malloc and fopen).

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There are no commands in C.TurboC has got a function called getche, read the help (type into the editor: getche +)

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C is a programming language. Its rules describe how programmers specify commands to the computer. For example, the following is a line of C code that displays hello on the screen: printf("Hello"); You can contrast the above with the following, which is how C++ code displays hello on the screen: cout << "Hello"; A compiler is a program that translates text the programmer writes into machine code... which is the language understood by the internal hardware of the computer. There are many C compilers on the market, including: GNU C, Microsoft Visual C++ (which can compile C), etc.

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