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It is said that every religion on earth is somehow connected to the vampire or something closely related to the idea of it. The idea of blood suckers has been around for centuries and can be traced back over 3000 years.

I've never in all my life come across a culture which doesn't mention vampires in some form (and I've lived a long while).

They can be traced back as feeding entities or the more famous blood type, beyond 3000 years. (1000BC? please!)

You just need to know where to look. Isolated caves are good, drawings in the darker ones are most apparently vampiric in nature. As are mountain-topping ancient cities (I refer of course to those in South America and Mexico specifically).

There may be written references but chances are these are long gone. I haven't cared to look for what probably doesn't exist. And anyway, meaning is always lost in translation.

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Q: How many different cultures does the myth of vampires exist in?
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Yes. There are many different types of vampires.

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If you mean exist, no. They are fictional beings in many different stories. If you mean insist, then some "certain" vampires very much insist on ruining the rest vampires for the rest of us.

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Depends on the type of vampire you are taking about. many cultures have vampires each with their own powers and specialities.

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there are no vampires anywhere, they do not exist except in stories, myths and folklore.

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I live in India and I'm reading many books about vampires. I think they really exist.

How many vampires are in the world?

Real vampires - zero (0) Imaginary vampires - all the rest. Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

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Many, they just do not admit their presence to the "humans". There are no vampires they only exist in good movies and books.

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Vampires don't actually exist. They are mythical creatures. Whether or not vampires can have babies depends on the author writing about them.

Who believes in vampires?

Various cultures and individuals believe in vampires. Folklore and legends about vampires exist in many cultures, with some regions having a stronger belief in them than others. Additionally, some individuals may have personal beliefs or interests in vampires due to popular culture and literature.

How many different kind of vampires are there?

3 to my knowledge made vampires, vampires (the kind that drink blood) and energy vampires the kind that feed from others energy.