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Q: How many different kinds of caviar?
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What are different kinds of caviar?

Caviar, the internal ovaries of the sturgeon fish, can be identified by the species of sturgeon that they are obtained from. Therefore the four kinds of caviar are Sterlet, Ossetra, Beluga, and Sevruga.

What are the different types of caviar?

Caviar is categorized into types based on the origin and processing method. There is Russian caviar, Iranian caviar and American Caviar. Malossol, salted caviar, pressed caviar and pasteurized caviar are different types of processed caviar.

What fish do humans get Caviar from?

The best caviar. fish eggs, comes from Sturgeon from the former Soviet Union. They are listed as many grades which determine the price. Roe, which are all kinds of fish eggs, come from many different species of fish, some more edible than others.

What large fish produces caviar?

sturgeons, the Russian one are thought to be the best.

What other food tastes good with caviar?

Caviar can be eaten alone or on different things. Caviar can be spread on bread, crackers and blinis. Caviar can be drunk with wine, champagne, or vodka.

Is caviar red?

Actually caviar is many colors it can be pink orange and red.

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