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Write out the equation, and remember to balance each side.

Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 --> 2NaOH + CaCO3

Molecular Weights

Na2CO3: 106 grams/mole

NaOH: 40 grams/mole

Always convert your reagents into moles.

(120g Na2CO3) x (1 mole Na2CO3/106 grams Na2CO3) = 1.132 moles

According to the balanced equation, 1 molecule of Na2CO3 generates 2 molecules of NaOH.

(1.132 moles Na2CO3) x (2 moles NaOH/1 mole Na2CO3) = 2.264 moles NaOH

Now determine the number of grams from 2.264 moles of NaOH.

(2.264 moles NaOH) x (40 grams/ 1 mole NaOH) = 90.57 grams NaOH formed.

To prevent rounding off too many times, carry out the dimensional analysis in one step:

(120g Na2CO3) x (1 mole Na2CO3/106 grams Na2CO3) x

(2 moles NaOH/1 mole Na2CO3) x (40 grams/ 1 mole NaOH) = 90.57 grams NaOH

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Q: How many grams of NaOH are formed from reacting 120g sodium carbonate with excess calcium hydroxide?
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A mass of 21.5 grams of calcium hydroxide reacts with an excess of phosphoric acid What mass of calcium phosphate could be recovered from solution?


What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium hydroxide solution?

When carbon dioxide gas is passed/bubbled through aqueous calcium hydroxide (also known as 'limewater'), a white precipitate will be formed. This means that the solution will turn cloudy/milky due to the formation of that white precipitate.Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)The precipitate, calcium carbonate, is only sparingly soluble in water. It will exist as a suspension in the resulting solution.But when excess carbon dioxide is added, this reaction takes place instead:CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) → Ca(HCO3)2(aq)The calcium carbonate undergoes further reaction with water and carbon dioxide to form calcium bicarbonate (or calcium hydrogen carbonate), which is soluble. Thus the precipitate appears to 'disappear' or 'dissolve'. Thus, a colourless solution is formed.----- Other answers -----Water is added to give calcium hydroxide, and carbon dioxide is passed through this solution to precipitate the desired calcium carbonate, referred to in the industry as precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC):if carbon dioxide is passed through it it will turn cloudy and if it is done for to long then it will turn colourless.

How do you Convert ammonium nitrate to anhydrous ammonia?

since ammonium nitrate decomposes on heating so ammonium nitrate is covered with excess of calcium hydroxide with some water and then heated to get ammonia

How many grams of carbon tetrachloride can be produced from reacting 709.0 grams of chlorine with excess methane?


Aqueous phosphoric acid and aqueous calcium hydroxide react form solid calcium phosphate and water what is the balanced chemical equation for this reaction?

3 Ca(OH)2 + 2 H3PO4 --> Ca3(PO4)2 +6 H2O Note: Ca(OH)2 is not very soluble in water but enough to react with the acid, but may be some excess will be needed

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If you think to calcium hydroxide, after the reaction with carbon dioxide calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is obtained.

Why is calcium carbonate used to neutralize acidic water instead of calcium oxide?

Because if you over correct, excess calcium carbonate is all but harmless, whilst excess sodium hydroxide can be corrosive and toxic.

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Most medications include antacids, which are weak bases (e.g. calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide) to neutralize excess stomach acid.

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Bases in antacids help to neutralize excess stomach acid by reacting with it to form water and a salt. This reaction raises the pH of the stomach, providing relief from heartburn and indigestion. Bases like calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and aluminum hydroxide are commonly found in antacid formulations.

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