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Q: How many kHz for whistle is rightest for a Siberian husky?
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How many can a Siberian husky breed?

The Siberian husky produces 6-8 puppies

How many cells does a Siberian husky have?

43 trillion

How many puppies does a husky have in a liter?

The average number of puppies in a Siberian Husky litter is 6-8 pups.

How many puppies would a three and a half year old Siberian husky have for her first time breeding?

The Siberian husky usually produces a litter of 4-8 pups.

Do hunters kill Siberian huskies for their fur?

No, they only kill wolves for fur, which is very sad since they resembale a Siberian husky in many ways.

How many Siberian Husky's are there in the world?

I think the're are about several thousand huskies in the orld but i carn't be sure

Where do Siberian husky live?

The Siberian Husky originally lived in Northeastern Asia. They have since moved to many parts of the world, and can be found in various countries.

What can you do when siberian husky is sick?

Take the puppy to a veterinarian. Puppies can get many diseases that can be life threatening if not promptly treated.

What is Siberian husky's food and habitat?

Siberian huskies are selectively bred domestic dogs, they do not naturally occur in the wild. Like all dogs, the husky is a scavenger and will pretty much eat anything vaguely edible. The husky was bred to live in cold climates such as the arctic but can now be found in many different habitats.

Should a Siberian Husky be a first time pet?

No, a Siberian husky shouldn't be a first time pet, only experienced people who has experience with highly active dogs. In this case Siberian huskies are very highly active dogs and need alot of caring, which isn't good for a first pet since they have too many requirements and are very stubborn and can be easily destructive.

Since Siberian huskies are listed fourth in the most dangerous list can they be trained to be a guard dog not to bark but to attack if a stranger harms its owner?

Siberian huskies are listed 4th most dangerous breeds since are many records in America of Siberian huskies harming people. I own a purebreed male Siberian husky and he has proven that he has the potential to attack a stranger or dog that tries to harm me, which did happen to me and my Siberian husky attacked the person who was going to rob me because that person thought Siberian huskies were harmless but he was totally wrong!

What is the Worlds most energetic animal?

They are many lively animals but probably the species which are the livliest are the big cats.