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Q: How many people are afraid to swim because of sharks?
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Why sharks endangered?

They are endangered because to many people are killing the sharks for no reason.

How many things are sharks afraid of?

dolphins.dolphin can win

Why do people believe that sharks kill a lot of people?

People believe that sharks are very dangerous because they are but that does not mean that sharks kill many people. People mainly believe that they kill a lot of people because of movies like jaws and the news stories. You should be wary around sharks because they are very dangerous but they don't kill many people. Why? Because they don't like the taste of human blood.

Why were many Americans afraid of foreigners and people of different races?

Many Americans were afraid of foreigners and people of different races because of communists and anarchists.

Why do people think all sharks are bad?

Probably because they've seen 'Jaws' too many times.

What is the fear of hippies?

There are many people that have a fear of hippies. These people are afraid of hippies because they do not understand them.

How many people are afraid of bees?

Many people are afraid of s__________

How many people injured by sharks?

very few people are harmed by sharks

Why are snakes frightening?

People who are afraid of snakes may be afraid because snakes do not blink and their eyes stay open all the time. Also because of how they slither and move around. But one of the most common reasons is because many snakes are dangerous and people are afraid to get bitten.

How many people are afraid of mice?

Theirs 15% of people who are afraid of them.

Why are sharks scary to people?

I am afraid it is due to the realease of the movie "Jaws" that enforeced others to fear them. Just remember, Shark Safety is important. They won't gobble you up in a bite, but a shark chomp could put a damper on your day. Try to avoid going in to the ocean with Jewlery, while Bleeding, and stay away from risky surfers and litter.

Why are people afraid of bats?

There are many myths about them because early people didn't know what they were. Some even thought they were flying mouses!! That's why people are afraid if them. Also they can have rabies and they spread dieases.