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3,000,000 people in the world don't have water. Most common country is Africa. 0 people in Africa have access to clean drinking water.

That is a lie not zero people just very little.

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Q: How many people in Saudi Arabia don't have access to clean water?
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What wildlife resource does Saudi Arabia has?

very clean

How do you make a living in Saudi Arabia?

A typical work day in Saudi Arabia the father goes to work at a office wile the mother stays home to clean up the house when the children go to school.

Why are there water problems in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is located south of a mountainous region. Most of the prevailing winds are from the north. As the moist air from the north moves through the mountains, the air is forced higher in altitude where moisture is dropped as rain in the mountains. By the time it reaches Saudi Arabia, the air has lost much of it's water. When the air drops out of the mountains into lower elevations, it becomes denser and even less likely to drop any rain whatsoever. Over many thousands of years, this has made Saudi Arabia an arid and dry land.

What percentage of people in Spain have access to clean water?

The percentage of people in Spain that have access to clean water is 100%. Spain has made efforts to ensure everyone gets clean water.

In the UK how many people have access to clean water?

most of the uk has access to clean water, but for the people who live on the streets they can still get clean water from taps on the streets

What is the Saudi military weakness?

Saudi Arabia's main military weakness is that they don't actually have an army. They have a group of people who call themselves an army, but most of the people in it are rich men's sons who found out shooting automatic weapons is fun--which it is. But cleaning them is no fun at all, so every Saudi unit has a troupe of hired foreign nationals who do things like clean guns and grease vehicles. As a result, the things that actually keep you alive in war, like maintenance, are things Saudi soldiers don't really know how to do.

What percentage of people in Ethiopia have access to clean water?

100% of Russians have access to drinking water. Russia has many lakes and large rivers.

What do Islamic people have in there house to worship Allah?

Islamic people need nothing to worship Allah. Because they believe that Allah is as close as their own heart. However, they just need a small mat, a clean dry place, and to know the direction facing Kaaba, or Mecca, or Saudi Arabia for praying worship.

How many people in India have access to clean water?

As of 2008, 88 per cent of the Indian population has access to clean water. India has a population of 1.2 billion people.

What is the place people in Islam worship?

If you mean by worship pilgrimage (or Hajj), then the answer is Makkah (or Mecca) and Medina (AlMadinah) in Saudi Arabia).If you mean by worship praying (salat) then it is Masjid (or Mosque) or any other clean dry place (as home, office, open areas, stadium, ... etc)

Who has access to clean water?

Most people in developed countries.

How many people in Mongolia have access to clean water?
