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Q: How many people like cloning?
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Related questions

How many ways of cloning are there?

their are many ways cloning like 20 ways

Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning is very controversial in the world, some people think it is wrong. Animal cloning is less controversial, but like animal testing of shampoos etc., some people are against it.

Why people object to cloning?

Some people object to cloning because it allows scientists to "act like God" in the manipulation of living organisms.

How many people died from doing cloning?

No one.

What acts have been done against cloning?

people like mushoe pork on wensdays The, "Stop Cloning Act" of 1997

Is cloning still in use?

Cloning is new. Asking if it is still in use is like asking if people still use solar powered lights. It is new and currently being developed but has made many advancmnets

What is your personal opinion on cloning?

Many people have a personal opinion on cloning. Most people do not think it is a good idea and there has even been a bill known as the Human Cloning prohibition Act made to Congress but was rejected. It was re-introduced again in May 2013.

What is the potential benefits of cloning human beings?

Some potential benefits of cloning humans, animals, plants, etc. would be cloning needed body parts for sick people, cloning important people, cloning missed, loved ones, etc.

Do Islamic people condone cloning?

Muslim people along with Christians and Jewish people consider cloning a taboo, and forbid it.

Why is cloning controlled?

Cloning is controlled because of opposition by people of religion. They say that cloning is wrong, and that we should not be tampering with life.

Why is reproductive cloning banned?

because it can be used for bad things like starting a war. Reproductive cloning is making a whole organism so you could always create an army of people. Plus its also against many religions as they are being created the right way.

Why should we ban cloning?

cloning should be banned for humans but people pay to have there pets cloned.