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the king owned 65% the barons 10% the knights 3% and the villians had to pay for land

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Q: How many people owned all the land in England by 1086?
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Who carried the Domesday survey?

The Domesday survey was carried out by officials sent by William the Conqueror after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. The survey was completed in 1086 and served as a comprehensive record of land ownership and resources in England at the time.

Is public land owned by the people the public or by the government?

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What was Early like at the time of domesday?

Early was a small settlement located in Buckinghamshire, England at the time of the Domesday Book in 1086. It had a population of around 35 people and was recorded as having a mill and a priest. The village was primarily agricultural, with land for ploughing and pasture.

Why was the land ownership so important to the colonists?

Land ownership in England was not available to most people at the time that the colonies were being settled. Most of the land was in the hands of those who held hereditary titles under the Crown.