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Probably 2 servings a day :)

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Q: How many servings of fruits does an average person eat a day?
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Related questions

How many vegetable servings is recommended daily?

An average person should eat 3-5 vegetables a day.

What percent of the population actually eats the recommended five servings a day of fruits and vegetables?

I would think it matters how many crops you have in the area. Also deoends on the person. Average I would say bot a lot of people relize they eat five servings, but people do . At the same time a lot of people think they eat more servings they do. No one has an exact way to tell if they eat five servings everyday. Unless you try to figure it out everytime.

How many fruits should you consume a day?

You should have 3 to 5 servings of fruit a day.

How many grain servings is in a bagel?

Depends on the bagel. An 'average' bagel (such as a Dempsters bagel) is four servings of grains.

According to the food guide pyramid how many servings of fruits should you have each day?


How many servings are in 15 ounces?

I would call that 4 average servings, as part of a meat and 3 veg meal

How many portions of fruits and vegetables should you eat every day?

The American Heart Association recommends the average adult eat 4-5 servings each of fruits and vegetables daily. Of course, you should eat a variety and include dark green leafy vegetables.

How many servings are in 616 grams?

Depends on WHAT you are serving. In my estimation 616 grams is approximately 5 servings of veg in an average meal.

How many servings of fruit should you daily eat?

kids should have 2-5 fruits and adults should have 5-6

How many servings of foods like fruits and veggies should you eat daily?

2 Fruit, 5 Veg. That is a known fact.

How many servings should you make for 1 person?

just make a bunch :)

How many servings are in one pound of nuts?

Serving sizes are typically measured in ounces. Sixteen ounces equals one pound. Therefore, a pound of nuts has about 16 servings.