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Q: How many sodium atoms are present in this molecule 7Na3PO4?
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How may sodium atoms are present in this molecule 7Na3PO4?


How many atoms of sodium are present in one molecule of NaCl?

1 Sodium (Na) and 1 Chlorine (Cl)

How many atoms are present in sodium bicarbonate?

One molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) contains one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one carbon atom, and three oxygen atoms.... this is a total of 6 atoms per sodium bicarbonate molecule.

How many atoms in molecules of Na2 So4?

Two sodium (Na) atoms One sulphur (S) atom Four oxygen (O) atoms So totally 7 atoms are present in a molecule of sodium sulphate.

How many sodium atoms are in a molecule borax?

Borax has two sodium atoms.

How many sodium atoms are in a molecule of a borax?

Borax - Na2B4O7 - contain two sodium atoms.

How many atoms are in 12NaCl?

NaCl has 2 atoms, one of Na (sodium) and one of Cl (chlorine) The chemical formula says that there are 12 molecules of NaCl present so if there are 2 atoms in each molecule of NaCl, there are 24 atoms present.

How many sodium atoms in Na2O?

There are two sodium atoms in each molecule of Na2O, as indicated by the subscript immediately after the symbol for sodium atoms in the formula.

Is so2 an atom?

As the name implies, So2 is comprised of two sodium atoms.

How many atoms are in one molecule of sodium chloride?

For sodium chloride the term formula unit is more adequate than molecule; and the formula unit has two atoms.

A chemical formula used to show the number and types of atoms present in a molecule is referred to as what?

A chemical formula that shows the number and types of atoms in a molecule is known as a molecular formula. Molecular formulas are written by writing the symbol for each element followed by a subscript to show the actual number of atoms in the molecule.

Does sodium chloride contain molecules?

Sodium Chloride is a molecule. A molecule contains 2 or more atoms. Each molecule of Sodium Chloride contains 1 sodium atom and 1 chloride atom.