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Q: How many years can the AIDS virus be dormant?
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How many years can the HPV virus be dormant?

HPV can stay dormant for decades. Diagnosis does not give you an idea of when you were infectedd.

How many day after sex would you get aids would that person be sick after a few day's '' what is mostligtly the first thing will happen for someone to know that they have aids?

The H.I.V. can lie dormant for years, but the virus can still be spread during that time. The only was to be sure is to be tested.

Dormant in a sentence?

Some volcanoes are active, while others are dormant.

How many pages does Inventing the AIDS Virus have?

Inventing the AIDS Virus has 722 pages.

A volcano that has not erupted in many years is said to be what?

dormant dormant

Everybody who have HIV have aids?

No. HIV is the virus, and many people are infected with it, but it takes a while for the virus to destroy the immune system, so many people are living without any symptoms, and modern drug therapies are extending the period, usually ten years, that it takes to develop into the illness we cal AIDS.

Is the east maui volcano dormant?

You mean Haleakala? Yes, it has been dormant for many years.

Which incurable STD leads to AIDS?

Infection with HIV is the STD that can lead to AIDS. There is no cure, but many effective treatments.

What do you call a volcano that is not dead but hasn't erupted for many years?

A volcano which has not erupted for many years can be described as dormant. The word dormant is derived from the French, dormire, meaning to sleep.

Why do so many people in Africa have AIDS if it is an STD?

many men believe that having sex with a newborn baby will cure AIDS. This, of course, infects the baby with the HIV virus. many men believe that having sex with a newborn baby will cure AIDS. This, of course, infects the baby with the HIV virus.

How many years can a volcano sleep?

Volcanoes can lie dormant for thousands of years.

In AIDS or HIV what did grid stand for?

HIV (Human Immunodefiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.) When people first started exhibiting symptoms of HIV and AIDS, doctors and scientists had no idea what was causing the infection. Many people who were experiencing the symptoms were MSM (Men who have Sex with Men.) Before the terms HIV and AIDS were created, GRIDS was used. GRIDS means: Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The term was discontinued shortly after its coining because HIV/AIDS obviously infects many people who aren't gay. The term GRIDS was dropped when scientists developed the AIDS classification. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, was not discovered until years later.