

Best Answer

8 at most!!!

A person can be elected to no more than two four-year terms as long as he/she has not served more than two years of a term that someone else started. Therefore it is possible for a President to serve any number of years up to ten, but the great majority serve a multiple of a full term, either four or eight years.

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Q: How many years does a president have in the white house?
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How many years did George Washington serve at the White House?

0. The White House's construction was started in 1792, after Washington had become president. John Adams was the first president to take residence in the White House on 1800 November 1, though the White House was not called as such until many years later.

How many terms can a president serve in the White House?

A president can serve two presidential terms of four years. Altogether, he/she can serve eight years as president.

How many people can be seated at the White House's table?

as many people the president can fit in the white house

Who was the first president to refer to his home in DC as the White House?

Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to use "White House" on his official stationery. The term had been in use for many years and others may have used the term ,

How many President had lived in the White House by the time Franklin Pierce became president in 1853?

Franklin Pierce was the 14th president and so was the 13th to live in the White Houise. (The first president did not live in the White House.)

How many people work for the president in the white house?

About 500

What activities are available for the President in the White House?

The President has many amenities available to him at the White House. They include a bowling alley, movie theater and swimming pool.

During Ronald Reagan's eight years as President how many pounds of his favorite jelly beans were purchased by the White House?

170 pounds

Who was the first President to have an animal in the White House?

George Washington was the first to have an animal in the white house. He had many stallions. But the first president to have an animal in the white house as a member of the family was James Monroe, who had one nameless Spaniel.

Did thomas Jefferson live in the White House with his children?

no they didnt she dies many years before he became president.

How many years do Obama have left in the white house?

As of May 2014, Obama has two years and eight months left as President. His term ends on January 20, 2017.

Why was the whitehouse painted white?

I beileve that many, many people thought that white would look good on a president's house. The White House is a neoclassical structure, and white was a popular color for such buildings.