

How much do big horses eat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Horses (all horses) need 1.5%-3% of their body weight in forage per day as a base for their diets.

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Q: How much do big horses eat?
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Horses get fat on grass when they eat too much or it. Grass is the primary food they were designed to eat. It has all the nutrients and calories they need. Overeating makes everyone fat.

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It's ok for horses to eat some Daisy's but too much of anything can be bad so just be sure they don't eat too much.

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What ever you give them and what ever grass they can eat!

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When horses eat there food, they take a big bite, chew for a minute, and repeat.

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All horses are different, and that means they eat different amts. of food. Some horses will eat until they get sick, and some may not eat enough. Therefore, there is no specific amt. for horses to eat.

Do horses eat more in the daytime?

Generally if there is food available horses will eat it. When horses eat, their body produces if it's cold at night make sure that your horse has a nice blanket and a big full haynet. Horses are grazers, so if your horse is out in the field during the day, he will graze.

How much does the horse eat?

horses can graze (eat) for up to 16 hours a day.

Can horses eat donuts?

NO!! Donuts have too much fat for horses and the sugar would make them sick!!!

Do belgium horses eat more than regular horses?

All horses that work should be given more to eat. Belgums are big horses, so naturally, yes, they would need more food. They would also need oats if the horse is working.

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big fat horses and lg bmfplkjbgp'fjdnbm[l mlnbko'nklbn'lFKNBM'