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The amount of exercise and number of crunches it takes to get a flat stomach depends on how far you have to got and your metabolism. It also depends on how fast you do the, the types of crunches that you do, and what other activity you do during the day.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Cardio exercise is an excellent approach. In addition, eliminate refined (processed) carbohydrates. They are a major cause of body fat accumulating around the abdomen. For more information about how to do cardio exercise properly, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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9y ago

Running is a good way to lose weight and tone the midsection muscles. However, one must eat right to lose more weight and get a flat stomach.

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Related questions

How can I get a flat stomach fast?

To get a flat stomach, you should combine a low-fat, low-carb diet and exercise. The exercises should include a combination of cardio and a routine with crunches to target your abdomin.

What are some tips on how to get a flat stomach?

A flat stomach is achieved through diet and exercise. One must lose fat by eating fewer calories than are consumed, and remove excess through cardio. Muscle exercises for abs will also help.

Do pushups equals flat stomach?

A good diet + exercise = flat stomach So while push ups can help in making a flat stomach, which in fact is just low body fat, it will be useless if proper nutrition and other exercise, ex. weightlifting and cardio, is not utilized.

Does riding a bike help flatted stomach?

Riding a bike is good for your cardio and will give you great legs. It may help you gain a flat stomach as well depending on how long you ride and how fast.

How can you get a big but and flat stomach?

The best way to achieve this is cardio for your stomach ( Running,Eliptcal) Work with heavy weights when doing Glute exercises..this will lift your butt giving the illusion of a bigger more shapely but......I am proof this works!

Will running make your stomach flat?

no.. not eating so much makes ur tummy flat

Can you get a flat stomach by going to the gym and dieting?

It is possible if you do it correctly. Focus on ab exercises and cardio while at the gym and eat lots of fruits and veggies and low to non fat foods.

What device can be used to flatten stomach?

There are many pieces of exercise equipment that promote flat stomachs. Old fashioned sit-ups and crunches have been found to be the best resource when seeking a flat stomach. Targeting your abs as well as maintaining a healthy diet rich in vegetables and proteins will help to flatten a stomach. Cardio is also known to help with overall toning and weight loss.

Does crunches abs work am female and i have a belly but some say that crunches don't work what should i do to get a flat stomach?

It's not that crunches don't work, it's that they won't get you a flat stomach. What you want is to do cardio. Anything that gets your body moving and your heart rate up will help you lose fat. When you do lose the fat around your stomach you will see the results of the crunches (muscle definition). It's good to do both (and not just crunches other "absentric" moves) if you want a flat stomach, but being active and eating well will lose the fat that is really the point of flat stomacs.

What is that one golden role to obey to get a flat stomach?

* You need to exercise. * You need to eliminate refined (processed) carbohydrates and do cardio exercise.Refined (processed) carbohydrate is the major cause of fat accumulating around the abdomen.

were can i find information on how to remove stomach fat fast?

You can get this at many places as a flat stomach is a much sort after commodity. Some of these places are and

What can you do to get a flatter stomach?

You can get a flat chest and or Stomach by doing cardio workouts lift weights and in between but if you don't do it every other day you will get fat again hopefully i have a high metabolism if your still in school you can join some sports you maybe get cut out but you still got that workout track, cross country, or football all are good cardio sports BUT DO NOT OVER WORK YOUR SELF IF YOU DO YOU MIGHT BE IN MEDICAL CARE