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Iodine is an important part of our daily diet. This element is essential for good thyroid health because it is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. Iodine is found in various foods such as cheese, fish, cows milk, yogurt, and without it can cause enlargement of the thyroid gland or hypothyroidism.

In the United States, the recommendations are as follows courtesy of the American Thyroid Association:
"The Institute of Medicine has set the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iodine in adult men and women at 150 μg per day. Individuals who add tablet salt to their food regularly should use iodized salt. One teaspoon of iodized salt contains approximately 400 μg iodine. Most iodine-containing multivitamins have at least 150 μg iodine, but only about half of the types of multivitamins in the U.S. contain iodine.The RDA is 220 μg iodine per day for pregnant women and 290 μg iodine per day for breastfeeding women. Because the effects of iodine deficiency are most severe in pregnant women and their babies, the American Thyroid Association has recommended that all pregnant and breastfeeding women in the U.S. and Canada take a prenatal multivitamin containing 150 μg iodine per day."

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Q: How much iodine is recommended for healthy thyroid?
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Do iodine supplements affect hyperthyroidism?

Yes, iodine supplements may affect hypERthyroidism. Iodine is the fuel for the thyroid. Adding extra iodine is similar to throwing gasoline on a fire. Interestingly, if too much iodine is given, it actually shuts off the thyroid and hypOthyroidism results. This can be dangerous and is not recommended. If you are hypERthyroid, ask your physician about all supplements and medicines you are taking.

What is iodine necessary for?

Iodine is needed for the normal metabolism of cells. Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy. Humans need iodine for normal thyroid function, and for the production of thyroid hormones

Why do people get goiter?

People get goiter for two reasons. 1) lack of iodine iodine is used to produce the Thyroid gland if there isn't enough iodine, the Thyroid can't produce enough Thyroid hormone for the bodies needs, so it gets bigger to make up for it 2)too much iodine the body produces to much Thyroid hormones because it is being overdosed by the iodine. it then swells up... hope that helped!

Where does Radioactive iodine concentrates?

Iodine (regardless of whether it is radioactive or not) tends to concentrate in the thyroid gland. Radioactive iodine can thus lead to thyroid cancer if left unchecked. Fortunately you can generally flush out the radioactive iodine with normal "cold" iodine. We tend to get much of our iodine from salt which is "iodised". Interestingly in some cases when a patient has an overactive thyroid, or indeed in thryoid cancer patients, the thyroid can be chemically ablated by the use of radioactive iodine since it concentrates there naturally.

How much iodine-iodide should you take if you're moderately hypothyroid?

If you are moderately hypothyroid you should see your doctor about thyroid hormone therapy. Iodine is prescribed to people with an under-active thyroid because iodine helps the thyroid produce it's hormone. Please see your doctor for advice.

What is an enlargement of the thyroid gland resulting from a deficiency of dietary iodine called?

An enlargement of the thyroid gland that results from a deficiency of dietary iodine is called a goiter. A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland. Worldwide, the most common cause of a goiter is due to a lack of iodine in our daily diet.

Does spirulina affect hypothyroidism?

Spirulina can contain large amounts of iodine. Iodine is fuel for the thyroid. Eating too much iodine is similar to pouring gasoline on a fire.

Will iodine on skin affect throid test?

Probably not, iodine supplements only effect the thyroid if someone is hypothyroid due to severe iodine deficiency - something not usually seen in the US or other developed countries due to iodine found in salt and other food sources.

How much iodine was put in NaCl?

The recommended concentration is 20 +/- 5 mg iodine/kg NaCl.

What is the downside of undergoing Radioactive Iodine Therapy for treatment of Grave's Disease?

Radioactive iodine therapy was invented as the original treatment for problems with the Thyroid The radioactive iodine is carried into the thyroid and the radiation kills the tissues of the thyroid. It is a very safe treatment that has a very long history of use.The treatment relies on the tissues of the thyroid absorbing the iodine so that the radiation can kill the tissues. Unfortunately a diseased thyroid may have parts of itself that are not functioning properly and will not absorb the radioactive iodine. This will cause parts of the thyroid to die as intended and parts of it may continue to partially function and produce hormone.When the thyroid continues to partially produce hormone it becomes very difficult if not impossible to effectively regulate hormone levels by taking a pill which can lead to years of suffering and issues involving either hormone levels that are too high or too low.Surgical removal of the Thyroid gland is a much more effective treatment that ensures that there is no tissue remaining that can cause lingering issues with thyroid levels. The surgery leaves a small scar across the front of the neck just above the collar bones. Post surgical depression (which is common with most surgeries) coupled with falling thyroid levels makes recovery from thyroid surgery difficult emotionally. But after about 6 months you should recover emotionally.The benefit to surgical removal is that it is much easier to regulate the level of thyroid hormone. Since Thyroid hormone effects many things in the human body including emotional state i believe that surgical removal is more effective than treatment with radioactive iodine.

How does the Thyroid gland work with systems to keep the body healthy?

All systems work together in the living organisms. The thyroid gland must keep its hormone balanced to help the body to maintain a good health. Few thyroidal hormone makes you sedentary, lazy. Excess makes you too much active. He who suffer of hyperthyroidism must avoid ingestion of iodine.

What does Iodine do in the body?

Iodine is used by the thyroid gland, to make some hormones. Lack of these contributes to cretinism. Unusually, the thyroid gland is located close to the surface of the body - perhaps like the testes it needs to be cooler?? The body attempts to counter insufficient iodine in the diet by enlarging the gland, which results in a greatly swollen neck. (Derbyshire neck, Goitre, and other similar names relating to regions that are deficient in this element. ) Like some other essential minerals, in breast feeding the infant may deplete the mother's store of iodine.