

Best Answer

130 to 160mEq/L is the most common range

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Q: How much quantity of salt in albumin human?
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Why can drink a large quantity of sea water a threat to human health?

It has too much salt; it can be toxic.

What is 1 unit salt poor albumin?

Its a medical treatment that uses albumin with lasix to pull fluid off of people.

Why egg albumin does not dissolve in water?

Albumin as a protein it doesn't dissolve in water.

Do you say volume of salt or quantity of salt?

The most correct term for solid sodium chloride quantity is mass of salt.

Is alcohol toxic to the human body?

In high enough quantity, alcohol can be toxic. The same is true of salt, sugar, and even water.

How is the quantity of salt affected when the salt is reclaimed from salt and water solution?


Does adding water to a mixture contain salt reduce the quantity of salt?

No, but it dilutes the salt.

What is a quantity of salt?

This is mass of salt expressed in grams, kilograms, tonnes, etc.

Which is better salt or no salt?

Salt is better than no salt because if we get 0g. of salt in our body, we'll die. Salt is a main thing for humans. But, the average human gets way too much salt in a year, so we need to have salt- but balance it out and don't have too much of it.

How is the quantity of salt affected when the salt is reclaimed from a salt-and-water solution?

The mass of salt reclaimed should be the same as the mass of salt that was put into the solution.

Do guinea pigs eat human salt?

Yes, they eat so much they need a salt block to lick daily.

How to control excess albumin in urine by diet?

Restricting dietary salt and protein will help to control the excess of albumin in urine. Certain foods to include in your diet would be flaxseed, whole grains, whole fruits and vegetables.