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Scones are usually made without sugar.

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Q: Can you use normal sugar instead of caster sugar in scones?
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What is caster sugar is it the same as regular sugar?

Caster sugar is called "superfine" sugar in the United States. Do not confuse with confectioner's (powdered) sugar to which cornstarch has been added.

Can you use raw caster sugar in a cake instead of caster sugar?

I have tried it and dosent make much of a diffrence!

How much less caster sugar to sugar in reciepe?

The same weight should be used for either. Caster sugar is just a finer grain so it will make a smoother textured result than using normal granulated sugar. Try using a blender on normal sugar to make it finer if you can't get caster sugar.

Can you use raw sugar in a cake instead of golden caster sugar?

yes, they are the same thing

Can you use icing sugar instead of caster sugar for jam tarts?

It probably does not have the right texture. So not, best not.

Can you use normal sugar instead of caster sugar in biscuits?

In most cases you can use regular sugar instead of caster sugar and the outcome will be similar (but not necessarily the same). Cakes will end up heavier (and possibly grainier) with this substitution. Meringues will end up very similar (although some recipes are designed for regular sugar, so use one of those rather than substituting). For jam making. chutney etc.. and candy-making, regular sugar works better. For custards, the substitution still works, but it's best to heat and dissolve the entire quantity of the sugar with the milk. (Whereas normally it's split 1:2, milk to egg yolks).

How much does 100g of caster sugar cost at safeway?

Its about £1 for a normal sized bag but it depends how big a bag you buy. Hollie xxx

What is heavier caster sugar of flour?

Caster sugar is heavier.

What is the function of sugar in scones?

Caster sugar is just superfine sugar. It is granulated sugar that has been ground very finely. Because of the superfine consistency the sugar will disolve better when the milk or buttemilk is added and prevent crystallization through the baking process, which can result in a gritty scone texture.

Is caster sugar sweeter than normal sugar?

Yes. Caster suger is finer than ordinary sugar so there is less air space between the crystals and more sugar for the same volume. But on a weight-by-weight basis, it should not be any sweeter than regular sugar.

Can you substitute confectioners sugar for granulated sugar in cookies?

Yes, you can use caster sugar instead of granulated sugar. However, be careful on the measurements. Use a little less caster sugar. Caster sugar is finer granulated sugar. It is not as fine as powdered sugar, but it is in between granulated and powder. Caster sugar dissolves more easily,so it is very beneficial in making meringues.

Does icing sugar dissolve faster than caster sugar?

i think its because caster sugar has smaller particles!!:)