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I'm sorry to say but doing that is very dangerous and you can be in serious health problems if you do it. If you want to lose weight and still keep your health you should do it the old fashioned way. Healthy eating habits and daily exercise.


You will lose pounds of muscle, but your fat will increase. It is never in your best interest to starve and since everyones body is different, no one can tell you how much weight you will lose. Your body will treat starvation as a famine, it will hold onto fat to survive - that is how you are designed (how all humans are designed). Too many people think they can do the easy thing to lose weight, there is no magic pill. There are plenty of pills that will help you, but the best way is by watching your diet and starting an exercise routine. Burn more calories than you consume - it is the old fashioned way and the only method proven 100% effective for everyone who has a working body.

Some ideas for a nutritional suppliment that may help you balance yourself as you lose weight: Shaklee and Nikken are 2 MLM companies which sell fabulous weight lossproducts. They are safe and good for your body. You won't find anything like it at the local GNC (who is willing to sell you Ephedra which is harmful).


Not eating is not an answer! If you don't eat you will be doing alot of damage to your body! You need to eat healthier and go outside to exercise. At least walking. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Good luck and God Bless:)

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none. youre metabolism will shut down as your body will assume it needs to save its fat stores because you are starving. approach this from the other end. keep your eating pattern the same (you sound like you are a healthy weight) and instead increase your aerobic exercise - perhaps by jogging every morning for a week. buy a tape measure instead of a scale and keep track of your waist size instead of your weight (muscle weighs more than fat)

About 1-2 lbs per day. But once you go back to eating normally, you'll gain the weight back just as fast. So have a plan once you plan to stop, like gradually increasing the amount of calories to get your body used to it (200 calories 1 day, 400 the next, ....)

okay I'm just adding to this, because they say your a healthy weight. that's soo not true, if you put your weight and height into a bmi calculator you are obese. and actually you would lose weight, trust me i know. however don't starve yourself completely because then one day you'll wake up and crave everything that you really shouldn't eat. and even if you don't eat for one week, you won't not lose weight. because you will, i dunno who wrote that answer up above but they're obviously idiotic, or have never been anorexic.

Well, I am on my fifth day of a fast, and I have lost 8-10 pounds so far. Down from 230 lbs to 222 pounds, or 220 lbs, depending on where in the bathroom I put the scale.

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10y ago

You will actually put on water weight at first, so not eating for a week doesn't help in losing weight at all. But to answer your question, that would depend on the person and their metabolism.
Your life. Is that worth it?
That depends on your metabolic rate. Some people may lose about 2 or more pounds but it is not a healthy option. Starving only causes your immune system to drop and expose yourself to health risks. Change your lifestyle. That is the only guarantee you can lose weight the safer and healthier way.

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13y ago

The trouble with that type of crash diets is that once you start eating normally again odds are really high that you put the weight back on again - and then some. Not eating will trick the body into starvation mode, making it hang on to every calorie much harder than it would on a regular diet.

But if you insist on going ahead, it might(temporarily) lose you 6-8 pounds.

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It depends on if you exersise or not and lose or gain more pounds.

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Q: How much weight will you lose if you do not eat for one week?
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How can you lose weight in a week by exercise only?

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You should add your current weight and about how much you eat now to the question.

How much weight do you lose if you dont eat for one week?

What you lose will be water. When carbohydrates are not eaten, there is loss of retention of water.

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None, probably. You need to burn 3,500 MORE calories than you consume to lose one solid pound of weight.

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If you jump rope and eat healthy each day, you can possibly lose up to 10 pounds in a single week. Unfortunately, most of the weight lost will be water weight initially. The key to losing weight is to burn more calories through exercise than you are taking in when you eat.

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Kickboxing is a great way to lose weight, learn self defense and tone up. Predicting how much weight you can lose is dependant upon your eating habits and commitment to the program. On an average, individuals who eat a low carb diet and do kickboxing at least 3 times a week, can lose from 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Can you lose ten pounds in a week?

Walk every day, then move up with running. Eat healthy like for breakfast just eat speaical kay then veggies. Go old fashion! You probably are able to lose that much weight in a week, but I wouldn't consider trying it. You need to lose weight at a slow and steady pace.

Is it possible to lose weight in one week?

definitely, if you don't eat anything and exerise

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350000 a week

Is one day a week ok to eat McDonald's if your trying to lose weight?

Yes it is ok unless you go crazy and eat alot of food there and that won't help you lose any weight..

Can I lose weight if I only eat two days a week and drink alot of water?

yes you lose weight dramatically it also helps if you workout as well