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Take this from someone who has been through this before. It is not the way to go, trust me. I'm 13 years old and I used to weigh 148 pounds. I got down to 112 pounds by exercising and eating right. But then i started to starve myself. I got down to 94 pounds. But I became so weak that I wasn't able to exercise because I didn't have enough nutrition in my body to keep me going. So if you starve yourself, you won't be able to exercise. You might be able to a few times like I did but I ended up fainting during the workout or a little while afterwards. I deprived myself from my favorite foods for so long that in the past 3 days, I gave in and binged on mostly everything in my house and gained 5 pounds. I think eating healthy foods along with exercise worked a whole lot better! I had more energy, i felt more confident about myself, I was able to exercise alot longer (which was a big plus), and I lost weight faster without gaining part of it back in 3 days!

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Q: How much weight will you lose if you starve yourself and exercise?
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How long do you starve yourself till you lose 5 pounds?

You should never starve yourself to lose weight, this is very dangerous. A well balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

How do you starve myself to lose 60 pounds?

It is unsafe to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet and lots of exercise.

How much weight can you lose if you starve yourself for 2 weeks?

Starvation is not the answer to achieving weight loss ... exercise is ... lots of exercise. Food is an essential to survival.

If you starve yourself how long will it take to lose 20 pounds im 115 pounds?

If you starve yourself, you could die before you lose the 20 pounds. Weight loss is achieved best by balanced diet and lots of exercise.

Is it good to starve yourself to lose weight?

No. Starving yourself to lose weight is not safe, nor is it effective in the long term,for weight loss.

Is it harmful to starve yourself to lose weight?

Yes, very much...

How many pounds will you lose in a week if you starve yourself and exercise?

If you starve yourself and exercise for a week, you could probably lose anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs. But, that will mostly be water weight and not the weight from fat that you are hoping to lose. When you starve yourself, your body goes in "starvation mode," meaning that everything you eat is stored directly as fat because the body conserves as much energy as possible to keep you alive because it thinks you are starving to death. Therefore, it would take you longer to lose that ten pounds of by fasting rather than eating healthy and exercising.

If you are starving yourself to lose weight and start eating again how do you prevent weight gain?

Don't starve yourself to lose weight. Your body will just gain back all the weight you lost. you see when you starve yourself your body needs something to use for energy AKA calories, so it takes what you have stored, which sounds really attractive but once you start eating normally again your body stores the calories again. so the healthiest way to lose weight is exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet.If your starve yourself to lose weight, then once you start eating. Start with soups and smoothies and gradually introduce light solids. This should help prevent weight gain. Eat a healthy diet, and exercise is always recommended.

You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?

never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

If you eat a small breakfats and a small lunch no dinner drink lots of water and do 3 hours of exercise a week will you lose weight?

You will certainly lose weight if you cut down on your meals and engage in lots of exercise. However, it is a good idea for you to lose weight in a healthy way. Be sure not to starve yourself as that may be harmful to your health.

How long can you half starve yourself and just eat some slim fast products?

You should never starve yourself; starvation diets will always fail and you will inevitably regain any weight lost. The only way to lose weight an keep it off is to eat healthy and get regular exercise.

Im a 16 year old 5'3'' female that weighs 155 if i starve yourself for a week how much weight can i lose?

The answer to this is that if you do starve yourself you'll GAIN WEIGHT! Just eat healthy and excersize.