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Stop eating too much and start exercising on a daily basis. Specifically, eat 4-5 fist sized portions a day. Avoid TV and video games and instead go for a walk/jog.

These are good ideas but - if you are 13- this might be a completely fine weight for you! You may be growing quickly and your hormones are causing you to gain weight quickly. This does not mean that you need to lose weight. I went from 95-123 pounds in one year as a teen but I was never over weight. Now I am in my thirties and still weigh about 124- which is a good weight for me. ( I am average build and 5ft 4 ) Don't obsess- it's a complete trap! Believe me...

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12y ago
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16y ago

I know you might not want to hear this but it takes time to lose weight the safe way if you want to keep it off. keep a diary of what your eating(AND DRINKING!!) for the past week and what activites/exercises you are doing and then post it up here and i can help you. i have had past experience of what your doing and trust me if you want to keep off it takes some patience. Also you need some type of support. tell your mom and dad, how your feeling about your weight. make them understand that this takes time to do. dont let them pressure you into anything you dont want to do.

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9y ago

The average weight for a 12 year old is between 88 lbs and 91.5 lbs. If you are 12 years old and weigh 125 lbs, you can lose weight by reducing your daily calorie intake and eating three sensible meals a day. You should also take regular exercise and drink plenty of water.

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16y ago

I have a 13-year-old daughter who is trying to lose weight. She has lost some and is still working at it. It is slowly coming off. This is what she is doing. She has cut out take-out food, cut out things like chocloate, fries, Pizza, candy and all the "fatty" things. Instead she eats fruit and healthier low-fat foods. Also, she drinks 2 litres of water a day. Most important though, is to keep active, even if it's just walking or a bike-ride. You're young and your body is still "sorting itself out" so don't worry. Do your best with your food and activities and you will get yourself into a healthy routine which will pay off for you ina short time.

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8y ago

A child's weight at this age is critical. This is because the majority of bone structures and therefore muscles and such align based on body shape... The weight may not only be caused by lifestyle factors but can be heavily impacted by them. Remember, a BMI value is not always the best way to look at a person's weight as it does not by any means account for bone density and organ weight. 184 pounds is nearly 84 kilos, and that can be slightly concern worthy, but I cannot make a judgement based solely on the fact that I do not know the height of the child. At age 13, I was around 50-60 kg, but my height accounted for it... I was 5'5" and that was a good weight... The way that I lost weight is different to most people... At age 16, I took a turn on life and decided that I wasn't the happy, energetic me that I once was. I was a shell of that person... Try to get the child involved into a physical activity that they like. Maybe they want to do the activity solo or they just simply need a spurring partner. I wouldn't recommend forcing the child to do something that they don't want to do. At age 16, I started with a simple trick that made me less hungry and made me eat less often. I drank a glass of tap water, no ice no fridge water, an hour before I ate... People called me a gutter, but I ate less and I felt full. I would most definitely not recommend this method for a 13 year old, but the first is a start. Please leave any messages if you need any further advice...

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14y ago

Are you sure that you need to lose weight? 127 pounds is in the ideal weight range for your height.

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