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It sounds like they are jealous that you are nicer looking than they. My advice is to go to the principal and let them know you are being sexually harassed. It is illegal and intolerable. The ones that are teasing you are just being immature and don't have enough intelligence to realize that they are hurting your feelings. Tell the principal about the teasers too. Don't feel like a tattle tail because they are the ones that are wrong and need to be corrected. God made you the way you are for a reason so embrace yourself and accentuate the positive and surround yourself with good people and positive situations. Good luck I partially agree with the above poster as far as the fact you could be prettier than most of the girls. Great! However, to report this misconduct (if they are not physically touching you in anyway such as pushing, shoving or hitting) I do understand if you report this that not only will you be a "pretty boy" but a rat as well! I know because I've been down this road with two of my nephews regarding other issues and the last thing they want to do is report it. You are who you are and you will gain weight, and good looks can come in handy if used in a decent way. Believe me, high school only lasts a blink of an eye and you'll probably never see these losers again in your lifetime, so try to hang on, get good grades and when you are out of high school things will get better. Start working out at home or at a gym. Take up Skateboarding, skiing, swimming to build up some muscle. Don't worry about what other people think because you know who you are inside and that's all that counts. I'm an old broad and I can tell you ... you'll come out the winner as long as you don't let your looks make you arrogant!

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Q: How should a straight effeminate boy handle situations in high school where he is being sexually harrassed by girls and teased by other people?
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If someone is straight, that means they are sexually attractive to the opposite sex. Men with Women, or Women with Men. If someone is gay, that means the individual is sexually attracted to the same sex. Men with other Men, or Women with other Women.

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