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I not sure about prices, but with a medical subscription from a veterinarian, you can order pet medication at Drs Foster & Smith and 1800PetMeds

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Q: How to get medications for adrenal gland cancer and insulinomas of ferrets at a reasonable price?
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Why is melatonin given to ferrets?

Melatonin can be used in the treatment of adrenal disease in ferrets.

A ferret with cells in the pancreas. do they admit a bad body odor. i know they have weight loss and hid leg weakness. ive been told that this is what she has but latly she has a very vile smell.?

Odor is not one of the symptoms of insulinomas in ferret. However, an older ferret may have an adrenal gland tumor along with insulinoma. Ferrets with adrenal gland tumors may have a different, more odorous body odor. Insulinomas in ferrets can be caused by poor diet, which some foods fed to ferrets can cause more odors. Make sure your ferret is frequently fed high protein foods to keep blood sugar as stable as possible and avoid any snack high in sugar. Refer to links below for more information

What kind of tumors do ferrets get?

There are several different kind of tumors that ferrets can get - Insulinomas, Lymphosarcoma, Adrenal Gland Cancer, Skin tumors Depending on the type of cell that becomes cancerous, some of the common ones are fibromas and fibrosarcomas (tumors of the connective tissue), adenomas and adenocarcinomas (tumors of skin glands), mast cell tumors, hemangiomas (tumors of blood vessels) and basal cell tumors.

How much does it cost for adrenal problems in a ferret?

There are several different treatments for Adrenal disease in ferrets. Treatment options can be either surgery or medications (or both). Veterinarian costs can vary a lot, even within the same city.

What if a ferret eats candy?

A ferret that consumes sugar or carbohydrates on a regular basis will eventually turn into Insulinomas - tumors of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Ferrets that consume chocolate could possibly cause death.

What is a ferrets life cycle?

Ferrets can live from 6-8 years. Although with good care they can live up to 10 years. They do have alot of health problems though, such as cancer and adrenal disease. Most ferrets die from those illnesses.

How do you know if a ferret has adrenal disease?

Adrenal disease is a disease resulting from the growth of a tumor on the ferrets adrenal glands (which are located near the kidneys). The tumor causes the glands to produce extra hormones which causes a variety of symptoms and problems. Common symptoms include loss of hair, swollen vulva in females and aggression in males. Vets will diagnose adrenal disease by carrying out a variety of tests which will usually include an X-ray and blood tests. Once the diagnosis is confirmed there are a variety of ways to treat the illness. The most common and effective way is surgery to remove the effected gland. If your ferret is not suitable for surgery (usually due to age or other illnesses) adrenal disease can be treated with drugs.

How to tell if your ferret has an enlarged prostate?

If your male ferret is straining to urinate it could be an enlarged prostate which is usually caused by adrenal disease. According to this website - Stranguria (straining to urinate)-This is seen mainly in male ferrets. It is due to the prostate becoming enlarged secondary to excessive testosterone secreted by the adrenal gland(s).

What are ferrets bred with?

Ferrets are only bred with other ferrets

What is the collective term for a group of ferrets?

The collective term for a group of ferrets is a "a business of ferrets" or "a cast of ferrets".

Are panda ferrets smaller then other ferrets?

Panda ferrets the same as other ferrets, just the coloring is different.

Do ferrets have a ribcage?

Ferrets do have a ribcage