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drain the greens and cook them in chicken broth and add bacon and its drippings.

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Q: How to make canned collard greens taste good?
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Related questions

What are the health benefits of collard greens?

Not much research is devoted specifically to collard greens but much of the health benefits are similar to other leafy greens like kale and cabbage. However, steamed collard greens are extremely good at lowering cholesterol.

What micro nutrients are good for the heart?

Kale, Collard Greens, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts

Are collard greens good for your iguana?

letus but it has no potein, but hibisc flower they go CRAZY but strawberries,plantains and broccial is really good for them.

How long can cook collard greens stay frozen?

You can keep cooked collard greens for at least 3 weeks if they are frozen. Stored in the refrigerator they are good for about 5 days.

Canned coconut substitute?

Coconut water. It doesn't taste as good but will do.

Is canned soup good?

Nobody can tell if it suits your taste. Try it!

Whats a good vegetable that makes you grow?

Good vegetables that make you grow are dark green, leafy vegetables like kale, mustard greens, collard greens, and spinach. They provide calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which is essential for strong bones.

Are canned vegetables bad for diabetes?

Canned vegetables aren't the best for diabetes, I'd suggest if you have diabetes eat raw or cooked vegetables. Canned vegetables are good, but they don't taste as good to me.

What vegetable can you use as a substitute for spinach?

sure, just be sure to trim away the tough stem. flavor will be different from cabbage but perhaps that is what you want. Answer: Swiss Chard is considerably more robust in flavor than cabbage and some what bitter. (liken to collard greens) It really isn't a good sub for cabbage.

What does it mean when you dream of collard greens?

Dreams about food often are triggered by hunger or by your stomach signaling your sleeping mind that you are hungry. Collard greens are highly nutritious, and might symbolize healthy food as opposed to unhealthy, fattening junk food. Collard greens also tend to be associated with Southern cooking, particularly country-style or home cooking. Because of these associations, your dream might reflect a longing for home or for some time when you enjoyed country-style cooking with beloved family and/or friends.

Are the leaves of yellow squash edible?

They are, in a way. While there are no poisons, they really don't taste great. If you want some better greens, go with kale, broccoli, mustard or collard greens. They have great nutrition and taste better than straw.

Can bearded dragons eat lettuce?

No as it provides no nutritional value greens are the best for beardies that are sub adult to adult This is true but they can eat it. It will give them the runs and cause them to be dehydrated. Try kale or bok choy as good and cheap substitutes.