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The syllabus of the INCA Nobles was more advanced and practical compared to the commoners children.

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Inca nobles received education in specialized schools called "yachaywasi," where they were taught subjects like history, law, and religion by skilled tutors. Commoners, on the other hand, were educated within their communities by their families, learning practical skills like farming, weaving, and pottery making. Nobles also learned about leadership and warfare, while commoners focused on mastering trade and agricultural techniques.

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Q: How was the education of Inca nobles and commoners children different different?
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Did the Aztecs go to school?

Aztec children were educated at home by their parents or specialized tutors. They were taught skills and values important for their future roles in society, such as farming, hunting, and religious rituals. Formal schools known as "calmecac" were reserved for elite children or those training to become priests or nobles.

What were the 2 kinds of Aztec schools?

The two kinds of Aztec schools were calmecac, which provided education for nobles and future leaders, and telpochcalli, which offered training for commoners and warriors. Each school focused on different aspects of Aztec society and had specific roles in preparing individuals for their future roles.

How did the English Renaissance affect the education of the people?

The English Renaissance resulted in an increased emphasis on classical learning and humanist education, which led to the establishment of grammar schools and universities. This shift in educational focus promoted the study of literature, arts, science, and languages, making education more accessible to a wider population beyond the nobility. Overall, the English Renaissance contributed to a more educated and cultured society.

Did Charlemagne invent school?

No, Charlemagne did not invent school. He did, however, support education and promoted learning throughout his empire by establishing a palace school for educating his own children and nobles. He also encouraged the creation of schools in monasteries and bishoprics to improve literacy among clergy and nobility.

What did Charlemagne teach in schools?

Charlemagne emphasized the teaching of Latin, grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy in schools under his rule. He encouraged the spread of knowledge and the preservation of classical texts through the creation of scriptoria in monasteries. Charlemagne believed in the importance of education for clerics, nobles, and future leaders in his empire.

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What was one difference between the roles of nobles and commoners in Aztec society?

Nobles were able to choose a new king, while commoners were not.

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What was the incas structure?

Nobles and commoners

Aztec social pyramid?

There was the Emperor The Nobles The Priest and warriors The commoners and the slaves The main 2 classes are though: Nobles and commoners.

What is the difference between nobles and commoners?

commoners lived in one-room houses meanwhile nobles lived in two story house.

What were the different groups that made up Aztec society?

they were nobles,commoners,unskilled laborers,and enslaved peoples.

What was the incas social structure?

Nobles and commoners

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clergy, nobles, and commoners

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Nobles and commoners obey the pharaoh because he is the greatest and most powerful also he us their god.

Who were the primary victims of the guillotine?

By numbers they were commoners. By percentage they were Nobles.

What are the classes of people in the Shang Dynasty?

Nobles, Commoners, and Slaves

How else where the Incas classified and regulated?

The Incas were also classified and regulated based on their social hierarchy, with the emperor at the top followed by noble families, priests, and commoners. The Incas had a complex system of laws and punishments to maintain order, with harsh penalties for crimes such as theft, adultery, and treason. Additionally, they implemented a system of forced labor called "mit'a" to complete public works projects and serve the state's needs.