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Virginia was the largest state by population at the time the Constitution was being written, they believed, along with the other Chesapeake Bay Colonies (because they were the largest) that the state's number of representatives should be directly proportional to the state's population.

So if the law passed required every 10,000 people to have one representative and Virginia had 1,000.000 people it would have 100 representatives while a state with only 100,000 people would only have 10. They believed this was fair because any decision made by the Federal Government would effect more people in Virginia thus they should have more say

The Virginia Plan was built into the current House of Representatives which is based on state population, today California, Texas, New York are the top three states in population.

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Q: How was the legislative to be set up in the Virginia plan?
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The first legislative assembly was set up in which colony?

It's Virginia.The first legislative assembly was in Jamestown Virginia. This was an English colony.

What is Virginia plan about?

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The first general plan for the Constitution offered in Philadelphia. Its key points were a bicameral legislature, and an executive and a judiciary chosen by the national legislature.

Details of the Virgina Plan?

A plan that Virginia had to conquer the USA and move over to Spain. James Madison made the plan and George Washington followed up with his plan. Once Spain was over with they would have a victory!

What type of legislature did the Virginia plan suggest the new states have?

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature would be made up of two houses. The first house would be elected by the people. The second house would be selected by the first house. The people selected would come from a list nominated by each of the states legislative body. As you can see, this allowed the voting population the right to elect just one of the houses of the national legislature.

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The New Jersey Plan featured a unicameral (single house) legislature. Each state would send a single representative to the legislature.

As a strong Republican James Madison believed in what type of national government?

James Madison believed in a strong central government. One of the branches of this government was the legislative branch, which he believed should be set up by the Virginia Plan that he drafted for the constitutional convention.

What is about IES?

It explains how the legislative branch is set up.

What is Article I about?

It explains how the legislative branch is set up.

What is article I?

It explains how the legislative branch is set up.

What is the Virgina Plan?

it was the plan to make virgina a state---- This Is wrong the right anser is ---- A proposal that seats in Congress be awarded on the basis of the state's population. The Virginia plan is Large states thought that the Congress should have two houses and the number of delegates each state had in each house should be based on the states' populations.

Who makes up the West Virginia legislative branch?

One hundred Delegates and 34 Senators.

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A legislative body