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The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature would be made up of two houses. The first house would be elected by the people. The second house would be selected by the first house. The people selected would come from a list nominated by each of the states legislative body. As you can see, this allowed the voting population the right to elect just one of the houses of the national legislature.

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Q: What type of legislature did the Virginia plan suggest the new states have?
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What plan called for a bicameral legislature?

Virginia plan

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan each propose to structure the new national legislature?

The Virginia Plan proposed that the new legislature have representation based on a states population. The New Jersey Plan proposed that the new legislature let each state have the same number of representatives.

What did states with large populationfavorthe Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan, in having a unicameral legislature whose delegates are assigned by population (much like having just the House of Representatives), favored large states, because their large populations would give them power.

Why was the Virginia Plan so helpful for populated states?

the strengths of the Virginia plan was to create a 3-branch legislature consisting of a two-chamber, bicameral legislature, a powerful executive branch and a judicial branch. The Virginia plan did not give equal representation to all states. It benefited the southern states for protecting slavery. This plan practically eliminated the voices of the smaller states by pegging representation in both houses of the congress to population.

What plan called for bicameral legislature?

Virginia plan

What change to the structure of government did the virginia plan suggest?

The Virginia Plan, a suggested plan of government for the US Constitution, would have a two-house legislature apportioned on the basis of free population, and that legislature would select (elect) the office holders in both the Executive and Judicial branches of government.

What change of structure of government did the Virginia Plan suggest?

The Virginia Plan, a suggested plan of government for the US Constitution, would have a two-house legislature apportioned on the basis of free population, and that legislature would select (elect) the office holders in both the Executive and Judicial branches of government.

What change to the structure of the government did the Virginia Plan suggest?

The Virginia Plan, a suggested plan of government for the US Constitution, would have a two-house legislature apportioned on the basis of free population, and that legislature would select (elect) the office holders in both the Executive and Judicial branches of government.

What is the plan that created three branches of government and also the bicameral legislature gave more power to the states with higher population?

Virginia Plan.

The plan which created the three branches of government and also the bicameral legislature gave more power to states with high populations name the plan?

A) Virginia Plan.

What created a bicameral legislature?

The Virginia Plan

Who introduced the Virginia Plan?

James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan, and Edmund Randolph presented it to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It proposed a bicameral legislature for the United States.