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Not as widespread as most people would have you believe. Only 6% of southerners owned slaves and of those, even fewer owned more than one. Most of the slaves were owned by large plantation owners. Slaves cost about what a luxury car would cost in today's terms and there was no guarantee that it would work, so unless someone had an enormous amount of money and a lot of work for them, they weren't very cost effective.

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Q: How widespread was slavery in the south?
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Why did slavery became more widespread in the south than in the north?

Slavery became more widespread in the South due to the region's reliance on agriculture, particularly cash crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar that required intensive labor. The warm climate and longer growing seasons in the South also made it more conducive to large-scale farming operations that used enslaved labor. In contrast, the North had a more diverse economy with more emphasis on industry and commerce, which did not rely as heavily on slave labor.

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It resulted in the widespread use of slavery in the South

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Slavery is most widespread in countries with weak governance, lack of rule of law, and high levels of corruption. This includes several countries in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

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Why was the south against slavery?

Actually the NORTH was against slavery, and the SOUTH wanted slavery.

Was slavery good for the south?

yes slavery was good for the south

Did the south favor or oppose slavery?

The South favoured slavery

What is racial slavery?

Racial slavery is the process of enslaving a group of people based on the race that they belong to. One of the most familiar and widespread forms of racial slavery was the slavery of blacks in the U.S.

What generalization can you make about the abolition of slavery in the south?

They did not want slavery in the south they wanted to be apart of slavery.