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Science in the future will ultimately make every person's, who can afford it, life easier. Simply task 100 years ago like washing clothes would have to been done by hand. Whereas today, all you need is a little money to buy a machine to do it for you. Same with washing dishes and even cooking food.

When you say "Stay ahead in games?", I am assuming you are talking about Video Games. To stay ahead of video games properly, you will need quite a lot of things for a proper set up. Firstly you'll obviously need to secure a console like an Xbox 360, ps3 or Pc. Then, you'll need a direct supply of video games. This is simple, however I do not really know the conditions in India so all I can say to get consoles or Pc is to either find a store or use your internet connection to buy them online through Ebay. To stay ahead in video games and keep aware, watch podcast that are related and are always free. I recommend going on G4tv and then search for xplay. This keeps you up to date with Video game related news and constantly review and rate games.

Good luck and I hope this helped :)

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Q: How will science n technology changes your lives ih the future and what should India do to stay ahead in the games?
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