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Ruqiyah Ismail

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4y ago
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Foivos Koiliadis

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8mo ago
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10y ago

The answer to that question depends a lot on exactly

what you're referring to when you say "this".

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xin-yu zhang

Lvl 2
1y ago

itsll gets the warmsing or heatings

big brains

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Lvl 1
3y ago

You don't know🤦‍♀️ The rest of the water will heat up

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Sorry I didn't mean it like that I just meant that's the answer

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Q: How will this affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container?
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Will this affect the temperature of the liquid left in the container?

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Why is there a mist over the neck of the bottle when you open a chilled bottle of lemonade?

Any liquid left in a container will evaporate. When placed in a closed container, there will be an equilibrium between the liquid and its vapour present above the liquid. When the bottle is chilled, the falling temperature causes the vapour present above the liquid to condense to form liquid again which appears as mist on the inside of bottle.

What is decanting?

'''''Decantation''''' is a fast method for separating a mixture of a liquid and a heavier solid. In this process , first the solid impurities are allowed to sediment at the bottom of the container. Then, the pure liquid is poured out carefully from the container into another container. The precipitate or solid is left behind at the bottom of the container.

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Pentane is liquid at room temperature the melting and boiling point are respectively -130C and 36C. SOLID -130C-LIQUID-36C-GAS (left to right is phase change alternated respectively by melting and boiling normal temperature)

How do you decant a solution?

Decanting can be used o separate a liquid from an insoluble solid. As the solid settles to the bottom of the container, the liquid can be carefully poured into another container leaving the solid (sediment) behind. Decanting can also be used to separate two immiscible liquids like oil and vinegar.

What will happen to the liquid on the watch glass or saucer if it is transferred into a small container and left inside the freezer after hours or over night?

This depends upom the freezing point of the liquid and the temperature inside the freezer.

A large and a small container of water with the same temperature have?

The large container of water will take longer to heat or cool down compared to the small container due to its larger volume. This is because it has more mass and therefore requires more energy to raise or lower its temperature. Both containers will eventually reach the same temperature if left in the same environment.

How can you extract salt from saltwater?

Evaporation. Boil the saltwater, and collect the vapour. Condense it back to liquid - and the salt solids will be left behind in the original container.

What happens to jam when left at room temperature?

If its in a closed container nothing will happen. If not then the bacteria would multiply too much and make you sick

Why is your 1995 Camry spilling green liquid?

The green liquid is antifreeze. Check your motor for water leaks. This can have a bad affect if left unattended. You can overheat your motor and do damage.

If 570 milliliters of water were lost from a 8.75 liter container how many liters of water remain?

you stupid phucking americans, there is no way of knowing how much liquid is in this 8.75liter container, so how can you know how much is left when you take out half a liter??

A clear liquid in an open container is allowed to evaporate and after three days a solid is left in the container so was the clear liquid an element a compound or a mixture and how do you know?

The clear liquid was most likely a mixture since only mixtures can separate through evaporation to leave behind the components in their original forms. Elements and compounds do not separate this way. The solid left behind may indicate that one of the components in the mixture had a lower boiling point than the others.