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The economy and population would not be as strong as it is today. (Although the economy is weak at the moment) Indentured servants made up a large portion of early American immigrants. People who could not afford the transportation fees to America would become an indentured servant in order to get here. Lastly, without slave labor, the South would have never had the farming boom that it had during the 1800s.

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Q: How would the US be different if there were no indentured servants or slaves?
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Why did landowners prefer slaves to indentured servants?

Slaves could be worked longer and harder and treated poorer than indentured servants, making them a financially better deal for the owners. In addition, as the laws changed, the children of slaves became slaves themselves. Indentured servants would move on when their debt was paid.

Why did English colonists adopt slavery?

English colonists adopted slavery in order to meet the labor demands of their profitable industries, such as tobacco and sugar plantations. They saw enslaved Africans as a cheap and abundant source of labor that would help them maximize profits in their colonies. Additionally, they used racist ideologies to justify the enslavement of Africans and perpetuate the system.

What does indentured servants do?

indentured servants worked for a period of time without pay

What would plantation owners prefer slaves instead of indentured servants?

they coulld use slaves longer

Why would a landowner rather use slaves indentured servants?

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Why would a landowner rather use slaves than indentured servants?

Slaves could be counted on to be more loyal to their masters, and slaves are property and can be bought and sold. Indentured servants are contractually obligated to work for their employer for a fixed amount of time after which they can leave.

In the 13 original english colonies indentured servants were placed by african slaves for all the following reasons except?

In the 13 original English colonies, indentured servants were replaced by African slaves because unlike slaves, servants were guaranteed to be eventually released from bondage, and therefore slaves would provide renewable sources of labor.

How did the plantation system and lack of indentured servants affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.

How did the plantation system and the lack indentured servants affect the status of African in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.

How did the plantation system and the lack of indentured servants affect the status of Africans in America?

The plantations system and the lack of indentured servants in America affected the status of Africans in America because Africans where slaves and the would work eternally unlike indentured servants who only worked temporarily.

Why did slaves replace indentured servants in the south?

Slaves were property and bought or sold. Indentured servants were people who signed a contract stating they would work for 7 years. Often they wouldn't finish the 7 years and disappear into the population. Slaves on the other hand were easy to find because anyone who was black was a slave.

Which of these is a good reason landowners would rather have slaves than indentured servants?

since slavery was for life slaves provided more years of work