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Q: How would you ensure that colonies of bacteria on an agar gel plate are discrete?
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What is the purpose for pour plate?

The purpose of a pour plate is to exam the bacteria in milk. It is used to find isolated bacteria colonies under anaerobic and aerobic environments.

What are the surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium?

The surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium especially aerobic bacteria within the medium would be a restriction of growth. The restriction of growth would be due to the lack of oxygen.

What is a bacterial colony?

Isolated colonies of bacteria are the result of a single bacterium which has replicated many times and eventually formed a visable lump of genetically identical bacteria. The colony's shape, texture and colour can somtimes be helpful in identifying the species of bacteria. For example collonies of Serratia marrceccens are typically pink, moist looking, round and small on nutrient agar. I laymans terms isolated colonies are the single separated spots (normally semi-spherical like zits) on the plate after it has been incubated. If the bacteria are put on the plate too close together they will form a lawn which looks like the whole plate is covered evenly.

Describe the aseptic technique that would be used when flooding the agar plate with bacteria?

An agar plate was flooded with a culture of a species of bacterium usually found in the mouth. Four steriled paper discs, A, B, C, and D, each containing a different brand of mouthwash, were then placed on the agar plate. The drawing shows the appearance of the plate after it had been incubated below body temperature for three days, this is to ensure that the bacteria are not harmful to humans. Describe the aseptic technique that would be used when flooding the agar plate with bacteria

What is the cell morphology of morganella morganii?

Morganella morganii is a gram negative bacteria that grows as yellowish colonies on a standard TSA plate. The cell structure is bacillus - rods

Related questions

What is the purpose for pour plate?

The purpose of a pour plate is to exam the bacteria in milk. It is used to find isolated bacteria colonies under anaerobic and aerobic environments.

What one plate would you first inspect to conclude that the transformation occurred successfully Why?

If you transform bacteria with a plasmid containing a selection marker (such as an antibiotic resistance gene) and plate the transformed bacteria on a plate suited for selecting for plasmid-containing bacteria (such as a plate containing an antibiotic that only those bacteria with antibiotic resistance can survive), then simply inspecting whether colonies are present on the plate will suffice in determining whether the transformation succeeded. If no colonies are found, that means no bacteria got the antibiotic resistance gene on the plasmid and the transformation was unsuccessful. If some colonies are found, that means some bacteria contain the plamis containing the antibiotic resistance gene and those colonies can the transformation was successful.

What are the Advantages for growing bacteria in a broth and on agar plate?

Agar plates gives you a more visual view of the bacteria growth but is limited in the amount of bacteria that can grow on the plate. With broth, you won't be able to see the bacteria colonies but you will be able to grow much more of the bacteria for sampling.

The technique in which bacteria from all of the colonies of one plate are simultaneously trasnferred to the same position on another plate is called?

Replica plating method.

Advantages of pour plate method over other methods of bacterial colony?

The purpose of the spread-plate technique is to grow and isolate colonies of bacteria. A sample of bacteria is transferred to the agar plate, an environment that provides nourishment for the bacteria to grow. The bacteria sample is applied to the agar plate which a special streaking technique that dilutes the amount of bacteria in each section of the agar plate continuously. This is because if you just swabbed the bacteria onto the plate with no special technique the colonies would grow very densely together and be difficult to study. The streaking technique gradually dilutes the amount of bacteria in each 'quadrant' of the plate, so the last quadrant should have small, isolated colonies that can be easily studied. The spread plate technique is also used for the eneumeration of aerobic microorganisms from the given sample. This can be done by serial diluting the samples, placing 0.1ml of the diluted sample in the middle of an agar plate and spreading the sample over the surface with a help of an L-rod. After the incubation rhe colonies can be counted.

Can you tell if these bcteria are ampicillin resistant by looking at them on the LB plate?

No. You cannot tell if the bacteria are ampicillin resistant just by looking at them. Both types of bacteria (those that are ampicillin resistant and those that are ampicillin sensitive) look similar when cultured, think about the colonies on the LB starter plate and the colonies on the +pGLO LB/amp plate.

What are the surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium?

The surface colonies on a pour plate larger than those within the medium especially aerobic bacteria within the medium would be a restriction of growth. The restriction of growth would be due to the lack of oxygen.

How do you decide which colonies should be picked from a plate culture of mixed flora?

To decide on which colonies you should pick from a plate culture, you'll have to know whether you desire to grow a mixed culture of different microbes and bacteria or a pure culture that consists of only one strain of bacteria or microbe.

How do you measure bacteria in a petri dish?

When bacteria is grown in an Agar plate, one quantitative method to measure growth is using a counting chamber. Another method is using viable plate counts.

How would you change the bacterias plate to best tell if they are ampicillin resistant?

The best test would be to take some of the bacteria growing on the LB plate and streak them on a LB/amp plate. If the bacteria are viable on the LB/amp plate, then they are resistant to ampicillin. If no bacterial colonies survive, then they were not ampicillin resistant.

What is a bacterial colony?

Isolated colonies of bacteria are the result of a single bacterium which has replicated many times and eventually formed a visable lump of genetically identical bacteria. The colony's shape, texture and colour can somtimes be helpful in identifying the species of bacteria. For example collonies of Serratia marrceccens are typically pink, moist looking, round and small on nutrient agar. I laymans terms isolated colonies are the single separated spots (normally semi-spherical like zits) on the plate after it has been incubated. If the bacteria are put on the plate too close together they will form a lawn which looks like the whole plate is covered evenly.

What advantages does the streak-plate method have over the pour plate method?

The streak plate method makes it easier for colonies of bacteria to grow. It also generally leads to individual colonies that look like small dots, rather then simply a mat of bacterial growth.