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Castor oil is a laxative not used to induct labor. As the labor progresses and contraction becomes strong cervical dilatation will increase.

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Q: I am 38 weeks pregnant 2 centimeters dialted and 25 percent effaced how do I induce with castor oil?
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What is the process in which the baby is pushed from the uterus to be born?

you have to go from 0 station all the way to 10 centimeters 2 persent or 1 percent effaced

What if I am 50 percent effaced and 30 weeks pregnant can they stop labor?

Yes, they will give you a large dose of magnesium which works as a muscle relaxer to stop your labor, then they will give you a smaller continuous dose to prevent you from going back into labor. I was 30 weeks pregnant, 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and they were very successful in stopping my labor.

When 40 percent effaced how long until labor begins?

Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!! Well if you're 40% effaced then labour has already begun!!

You are 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant and 1 cm dilated and 60 percent effaced and at -3 how much longer do you have?

happy birthday mommy, less than a week

How long before I go into labor if I am 3 weeks pregnant with an incompetent cervix 90 percent effaced but not yet dialated?

if you are 3 weeks pregnant, and your effaced 90% i'd say that you need to go get that checked out? 3 weeks prego means you have ur entire 9 months left to go!! if you go into labor soon, you probably wont be delivering a fullterm healthy baby

What does sixty percent effaced mean exactly in pregnancy?

Your cervix has thinned out 60%

You are only 29 weeks your doctor just told you i am half a centimeter dilated and 75 percent effaced what does this mean?

Your cervix must dilate (open up) to 10 centimeters before you can essentially, 'push' the baby out. So half a cm is good progress, though it seems a bit early at 29 weeks? 75% effaced: you have to be 100% effaced (thinned out) for the cervix to fully dilate & ready to deliver the baby. So you're just about finished there.

What does 80 percent effaced mean?

It means that only 20% of the humidity of 100% is in the air.

Will labor start soon if you are 36 ks and 2 days and 3cm and 50 percent effaced?

Not necessarily

Is it okay to take a bath being 2 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced?

yes you can still do that.

You are 5 centimeters dilated and 80 percent effaced how long can this go on?

you have your baby when you are ten centimeters dialated so your nearly 2 depending on how quick your contractions come you could have hours yet ....

What does it mean if you are 50 percent effaced and not dilated?

50% is out of 100% which means your cervix is paper thin. Once your cervix is dialated to 10cm & your 100% effaced baby is ready to be born. How long it could be in this position, depends on your body.