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i live in Australia so i don't have Walmart but a simese fighting fish maybe some guppys and maybe a catfish or goldfish all these fish can live together

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Q: I have a 10 gal. tank and I want some fish that go well together and look good What fish do go well together and remember I am buying from Walmart.?
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Can you get a clown fish at Walmart?

no you can not because they dont sell salt fish at walmart and a clown fish is a salt water fish

Where can you get fish food at Walmart?

You can get fish food at walmart. You gou you go to the pet department and go to the fish section and fish food is there

Why do fish at Walmart die quickly?

Because it's Walmart...

How much does a betta fish cost at walmart?

The Walmart around my place is $5.00 ~ $8.00

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They eat the regular fish food that you can get at Walmart.

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Its a fish that can only be caught by buying a fishing rod.

How do you make project on fish market?

Apart from processing, the major elements of marketing fish include storage, sorting, grading, packaging, transportation and buying and selling. Assemblage: This is the process by which a farmer or marketer gathers his fish products from different sources together.

Can ram fish live with Siamese fighting fish male?

Provided you remember the 1 inch of fish to 1 gallon of water rule yes Betta splendens (Fighter) and Apistogramma ramirezi (Ram) will be OK together.

What do you look for when buying a pet fish?

You want to look for a very active fish that does not look like it is not fed well or any disease on it. AA few good places to get fish are petsmart & petco. Do not buy fish at walmart or any convienant store as they are more prone to disease than with other stores who have people that actually know about fish. You do not want to put betas together as they will fight. You also need to know whether you want a freshwater, Saltwater, Or warmwater aquarium. You also need to research on what fish you can put together and what fish you can not. You need to know what size of tank you need to get. Like for instance for smaller fish like glowfish and regular goldfish about 1-5 gallon tanks. For bigger fish like sharks and Oscars etc. You need a 20-50 gallon. You pretty much just need to do research. hope this helps-Ethan Professional Care for Fish for five years. The best way to work out what size tank you need is to remember the basic rule of "1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water".

Does the Walmart in Boyertown PA sell fish?
