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Have you been having sex? You could be pregnant. If your period is late, you should test.

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Q: I have been spotting for a week very light brown discharge very sore breasts and cramps but no period what are the possibilities?
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What happens if you're spotting brown pinkish discharge and you have painful cramps?

it means you need to go to the doctor.

What are sighns of a period?

Your breast feel tender, pain in the rectum, bloated feeling.

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

What stuff comes before a first period?

Yuu Need A Discharge Before Yuur PeriodI Am 13 And I Still Dont Have Mine :(But i No All About ItYou will need a discharge or some cramps headaches sore breasts and moodswings

What are some other possible pregnancy symptoms after stopping the pill other than a missed period?

Pregnancy symptoms apart from a missed period are: Tiredness Excessive Urination Blood like discharge or spotting Tummy cramps Vaginal discharge Headaches Feeling of being unwell Tender or swollen breasts Tender or swollen nipples Darkening of the aerola The pill can give you pregnancy symptoms after you've recently stopped taking it.

Can you be pregnant and get your period and have cramps?

No, you can have cramps and spotting at the time for your first period after conception but not full menstrual flow.

Is it normal to be a week late but your breasts hurt and you had a clear milky discharge and cramps but had sex for the first time in 5 months?

No it's not normal, these symptoms are cause by pregnancy. Good luck!

Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

How can you tell your about to start your period because i have had discharge and cramps and i have also been getting hungry easily help?

You can tell if you have discharge and cramps. Your period will start two to six months after you have discharge.

Spotting and cramp at the same time?

Light spotting with cramps but no period means it's time for a home pregnancy test.

What happens before periods?

you usually get break-out, cramps, tired, breasts hurts, bloated, and PMS.

Just took 2 pregnancy test both positive but I'm having cramps and spotting help?

If both pregnancy tests are positive, you are pregnant. Those cramps and spotting is PERFECTLY normal. Nothing wrong there.