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Unfortunately some endometrioses patients may be completely asymptomatic while others experience emotional and physical pain that is almost unbearable. For those who are not asymptomatic, the patients may experience anywhere from one to all of the following symptoms: pain before and during periods, pain with intercourse, general, chronic pelvic pain through the month, low Back pain, heave and/or irregular periods, painful bowel movements, painful urination during menstruation, fatigue, infertility, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, headaches, pain during intercourse, low-grade fevers, depression, hypoglycemia, anxiety and increased susceptibility to infections or Allergies . According to Harvard Women's Health Watch, the most common symptom that most women experience with endometriosis is severe menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal problems, and pain during intercourse. Women who experience postpartum endometriosis, generally have different symptoms than those who develop endometriosis naturally. Their symptoms are generally fever, increased pulse, chills, anorexia, nausea, fatigue and lethargy, pelvic pain, uterine tenderness and/or foul smelling. Some women may also become anemic. Within 36 to 48 hours, blood cultures should reveal any evidence of endometriosis.

Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:

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Q: I have sharp pains in my lower back near my sciatic accomponied with cramping around my ovaries. Could this be an early sign of pregnancy or is it more likely to be endometriosis?
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The answer depends on the reason for the hysterectomy. If done for control of endometriosis, using birth control might make sense to decrease pain. But there is no need for pregnancy prevention after removal of the uterus, and no need for estrogen support if the ovaries are still in place.

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Pain in the ovaries is not a symptom of pregnancy. There is no reason for your ovaries to hurt, except maybe in later pregnancy when the baby is taking up a lot of nearby space.

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Hysterectomy does not guarantee a relief from symptoms or from endometriosis. Surgery is surgeon dependent. If all the endometriosis is not removed as the same time as the removal of your uterus and your ovaries, the patient may still have endometriosis after this procedure.

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In severe cases, removing the uterus and ovaries (hysterectomy and oophorectomy) is an option. This surgery causes early menopause. It is only used when you have no pregnancy plans and have had little relief from other treatments.

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An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilised egg attaches itself outside the uterus. The most common place where the ectopic pregnancy occurs is the fallopian tubes. Other possible areas where the ectopic could occur are the ovaries, abdomen and the cervix. The cause for ectopic pregnancy is mostly unknown. However endometriosis, any surgery to the abdomen, previous pelvic inflammatory disease all increase the chances of an ectopic pregnancy.

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Of course! Since Clomid is meant to stimulate ovulation, you may have cramping near the ovaries.

What is the Pathophysiology of total abdominal hysterectomy?

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Pregnant didn't know it . It could be your body wanting to have it's period but it can't because you pregnant or miscarrying

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Yes, it is possible to have an ectopic pregnancy after a vaginal hysterectomy if one or both ovaries are still present.