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Q: I like to eat a lot but you cant stop I hate exersizing i mean i exercise but i never loose any weight what the heck should i do?
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How many minutes do you have to exercise to loose 1kg of weight?

That all depends on the exercise.

Can massage help you lose weight?

Sometimes.This is because if you do very little exercise, you won't loose that much of weight but if you do alot of exercise, you will loose alot of weight. hope this helps you!!!!!!!@@@@@####$$$$$%%%%%^^^^^&&&&&&&******((((((((((())))____+++++=======]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[''''''''""""""""""::::::;;;;;;;;?????///////>>>>......

What do exercise videos help to do?

Exercise videos help people to get in shape by demonstrating different types of exercise to help one loose weight. It is often demonstrated by a group of people in a room exercising with music and one can follow to get in shape and loose weight.

Can you loose weight from one bottle of herbex?

If you follow a sensible diet and get some exercise, you will lose weight.

You want to loose a lot of weight how many calories should you take in?

the calorie intake depends on a person's height, weight, muscle mass and the amount of daily exercise that they get on a regular basis.

What are some main reasons why diet and exercise fail?

The most common reason why diet and exercise fail is because diets are too extreme. You should do your best way to loose weight in a healthy way.

Can you lose weight by watching a movie everyday?

Not by simply watching the movie. It is recommended that you exercise to loose weight. You can, however, exercise while watching the movie, potentially making your exercise a more enjoyable experience.

How many calories should I eat per day if I am 5'8 and weight 128 and am trying to lose weight?

it isn't how many calories you need to loose it is how many do you need to eat and how much exersizing should you do!! i have done lots of things to loose weight and honestly the thing that i keep going back to is weight watchers it is easy and once you have learned the way to do it you do not need to go to meetings forever... learn th systema and it is awesome... i lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks first time ad 15 pounds in 8 weeks the second time!!!

How do you lose weight when its winter?

in the winter if you wanna loose weight all you have to do is buy a wii and a wii fit and exercise on it everyday for 1hour or if you don't have enough money or you don't want to buy it you exercise in your house you should be doing jumping jacks, running in place for like 10min. and ether exercise that can help burn body fat off your body what ever exercise you want but it has to loose body fat and you exercise for at least 30min.thank youplease listen to my words and it will helpthanks for reading

Does exercise actually help with weight loss?

Yes weight loss is aided with exercise, however only exercising will not make you loose weight, you need to eat healthy foods and keep up with a routine.

When is fire prevention week?

The week of October 9th commemorates the Great Chicago Fire.

Are weight loss drinks healthy?

Weight loss drinks aren't always effective. If you don't exercise, you can't loose wait.