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Buy another cage and put them next to each other

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Q: If 2 gerbils have to be separated because of fighting what should be done so that they are not lonely especially if buying more is not an option?
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Which animals poo more hamsters or gerbils?

gerbils. especially Ginnie pigs!

Do gerbils squeeke?

Yes. But they only normally do it if they are hurt or if they are fighting.

Can you keep gerbils in pairs?

Yes, you can keep same sex gerbils in pairs if they are littermates and have grown up together without having been separated.

Why should you purchase two gerbils gerbils of the same sex instead of one?

many animals especially gerbils enjoy company of their own kind and if you don't want baby gerbils the same sex keeps that from happening.

Can gerbals live in a pair?

Yes. But at pet store they should have a group of gerbils. Only buy a gerbil if both are from the same tank at Petsmart or Petco, or your local pet store. If your gerbils start fighting, take them back. WARNING: If you see a tank at a pet store contained of fighting gerbils, don't buy a pair.

Can you put back the male gerbils in the tank with the mother and the babys if they were separated for 6 weeks?

This is not a good idea because the mother will become territorial and protect her babies even from males that she already knows.

Wen are baby gerbils ready to go to a new home?

Gerbils should not be separated from their mother until at least six weeks of age, since they still have many gerbil behaviors to learn. Gerbils taken from their mother before then can suffer from not being as friendly or healthy as they could be.

Do gerbils get along with other animals?

no they do not they fight and are very agrressive especially with other rodents

How many gerbils live in a ten-gallon tank?

You can comfortably fit 2 gerbils. Make sure you get 2 not 1 because they are social. Make sure your gerbils have lived together before you buy them because if not there will be fighting. Good luck!

What do gerbils cost at petsmart?

At Petsmart gerbils cost $11.99 according to the website Some stores don't sell gerbils. For example all Petsmart stores in California do not sell gerbils, because gerbils are illegal in California since they eat crops.

How big does your cage have to be for three gerbils to live in?

not very big because i have 2 gerbils and my cage is small

Can a gerbils live in a fairit cage?

It depends on the cage. yes they could but if the wires are separated by to far of distance then the gerbil may escape.