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Not neccessarily. Some Bettas do have very dark gills.

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Q: If a Betta's gills are black does that mean it's sick?
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Related questions

What does the idiom green around the gills mean?

It means the person looks sick. Usually they are pale and green in the face.

If a mail bettas tummy is bigger than its supposed to be is it sick?

I knoww!!! My bettas tummy is really big, like you can see it and its like mungo! im scared for him! good question, sorry no answer,

How come betta fish lay on the backs on the bottom?

bettas are not sick when they lay on their side they sleep that way

What is the origin of filled to the gills?

The phrase "filled to the gills" originates from the fish anatomy term "gills," which are the breathing organs for many aquatic animals. When a fish is "filled to the gills," it means it is completely full or packed to capacity, like a fish that has eaten so much that its gills are bulging.

Is your betta sick?

My Betta has swelling under it's front fins below it's gills.

Why would a beta be sitting on the bottom and acting sick?

mine does the same thing and it is just fineAnswerMaybe it is sleeping or it's what Bettas normally do.

If you feel green around the gills would it be positive or negative?

Negative. It means you feel Noxious or sick.

What is the synonym for queasy?

nauseous, nauseated, bilious, sick; ill, unwell, poorly, green around the gills.

Why does your goldfish have warts on its gills?

If they are little white bumps just on the gills, then you have a male goldfish that is ready to breed. If the white dots cover its body then your fish is sick with ick, and you will need to go to the petstore to get meds. for the fish.

Should you put a mirror beside your betta tank?

Each time a Betta flares and puts on a display it is reputed to shorten his lifespan. I would not advise anyone to place a mirror permanently in view of a male Betta because the fish would obviously feel under constant threat and could easily die from stress.

What should you do if your betta is sick and the sick i mean is that he isn't flaring and not eatting and I had him for a couple weeks .?

Bettas need to be looked after properly if you want them to look good and live properly There are some basic rules for keeping all kinds of fish and that includes Bettas. The rules are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at leadt 50% of its water replaced every week. Follow the rules and the fish should be OK. Fail to follow the rules and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a shortened lifespan.

What if your fighting fish isn't eatting?

It's either sick, or if it never ate it at all it doesn't like the food you're giving it. Bettas can be as picky as cats that way.