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I am pretty sure it would be the mother's responsibility since she is the one who is getting welfare by fraud.

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Q: If a father has been paying child support but the mother is collecting welfare fraudulently is the father responsible to pay back the state if he didn't know?
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Yes, you are allowed to do that. You are still responsible for their welfare and support.

Is collecting welfare from 2 states legal?

No. Most definitely NOT! You could be charged with Welfare Fraud.

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If court ordered? Yes. If she's collecting Welfare? Yessee link

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No. Report this to the court that issued the child support order. The ones who have the child now need to go to court and get custody so they can get the child support.

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As in state assistance? Yes, as it would be Welfare Fraud. In signing up for state aid of any type, you give up your claim to collect support directly.

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The mother can if she's not collecting Welfare. In states like Missouri, if being denied visitation, the father can file to have child support put on hold. It also can be stopped after 30 days of extended visitation.

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It requires parental permission or a court order. Otherwise, you are considered emancipated on marriage. And your parents are no longer responsible for your support or welfare.

Can you receive a welfare check if you already receive child support in the state of California?

Yes, it is possible to receive both welfare benefits and child support in the state of California. Eligibility for welfare benefits is determined by different factors such as income and need. Child support is a separate financial obligation that the noncustodial parent is responsible for providing. These two types of assistance can be received concurrently.

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Not court order but giving my child mother money is there a way to show you been paying child support?

No, as even with receipts, it can be ruled a gift, especially if she is collecting welfare. You need to establish a voluntary order. see link