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Q: If a person has a genetic disease how many unhealthy genes must that person have?
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An abnormal condition that a person inherits through genes or chromosomes is a?

An abnormal condition that a person inherits through the chromosomes or genes is a genetic disorder.

How a a person can get the asthma disease?

Through genetic genes or develop it through child or adult hood :D

How do you get a genetic disease in the first place?

through your genes.....!

Why is it difficult to cure a human genetic disorder?

It would require changing a person's genes. We can't do that. Yet. Until we do, the genes that gave you the disease will get passed to your children, and THEIR children, etc.

Would a disease caused by exposure to chemicals be considered a genetic trait?

A genetic trait is passed on through the genes. Which means that disease from exposure to chemicals is not inherited.

What makes a disease genetic?

A genetic desiese is your chromosomes or genes aren't how they are supposed to be. For example if someone has 47 chromosomes instead of 46 then they have a genetic disorder.

Are cereals the cause of migraine?

Migraine is a genetic neurological disease. The cause of Migraine is in the genes.

Why are some diseases inherited?

Some diseases have a genetic basis. When a person with the disease has children, they pass along those genes, meaning there's a chance the children will also show symptoms of the disease (the genes of the spouse also play a role).What are the Examples of inherited dieases?

Is colour blindness an infecious disease like the common cold or influenza?

No. It is usually a genetic disease that is caused by the genes which were inherited.

Do 3 d movies cause migraines?

Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease. It is caused by your genes. However, an attack can often be triggered by movies and/or the 3D movie experience in a person with the genetic capacity for Migraine attacks.

What is the difference between a gene and a genetic?

A gene is a unit of nucleic acid which codes for some trait or which in some way regulates the expression of other genes. The word genetic is an adjective; it describes something that is related to genes, for example, a genetic disease, a genetic test, etc.

Is it true carriers of genetic diseases who do not have the disease themselves have recessive genes for the disorder?

Yes. They can pass it on to their offspring.