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No he can not be put on record as the father as he is not legally married to be a father.

See related link regarding presumption of paternity in Michigan.

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Q: If a women is legally married but separated legally and has a baby with another man can the other man be put on the birth certificate in the state of Michigan?
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If a woman is legally separated and gets pregnant by another man will it automatically be the husbans due to marriage?

How did a man legally marry three women in Michigan without divorcing any of them becoming legally separated from them or any of them dying?

He is a justice of the peace, marrying them to other people.

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If you are legally separated you are still legally married.

If you have are still legally married in the state of California and are separated and pregnant by another man during this time is the soon to be ex husband on the hook for child support?

Only if his name is on the birth certificate and he doesn't contest it. If he askes for a DNA test or can prove it isn't his, No.

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As you both are legally separated you can do it.

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The man who made you pregnant.

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No you can not go and get remarried in the state of Arizona, if legally separated , you must remember you have to legally divorced to get married anywhere.

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Can you legally put someone who is not the father on the birth certificate it the fathers been absent sense birth in Michigan?

No. The birth certificate should show the name of the natural father or the name should be left off the certificate. If you put a name on the certificate and you know that person not to be the father, then you have falsified a public record and in any country in the world, that is a crime.

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You are permitted to share the same house with anyone you want, whether legally separated or not.

Is Lil Wayne still legally married?

yes he is still legally married but is legally separated

Can you Leave home legally when you are 17 legally in Michigan?

In Michigan, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and is subject to parental or guardian authority. However, if you are facing a situation where you need to leave home, you may consider talking to a trusted adult, seeking assistance from social services, or exploring alternatives like temporary housing programs for minors. It is important to seek guidance from a legal professional to ensure you understand your rights and options.