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Q: If both sides won the same amount of battles how did the union win the war-?
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If both sides won the same amount of battles how did the union win the war?

We killed the right ones.

What was the purpose of the Union advance that resulted in the battles at Bull Run?

The two battles of Bull Run were the result of the Union's attempt to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond. In both battles the Union forces were defeated.

Who won the battles of Antienem Shilo and Bull Run?

Both Battles of Bull Run were won by the Confederates. Shiloh and Antietam were both won by the Union.

What side won the battles at Shiloh and Vicksburg?

Both of these battles were Union or Northern victories and Major General Ulysses S. Grant was the US commanding general at both of them.

Why were the battles of fredricksburg and chancellorsville significant?

The North Suffered Serious Defeat At Both Sides.

Did the union win the Battle of Manassas?

No, it lost both the battles of Manassas/Bull Run.

Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) are that both sides (employer and labor union) must?

Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) are __________ that both sides (employer and labor union) must adhere.

Who won the gettysberg the union or confederate?

The Union, although both sides suffered heavy casualties.

How did the union and confederacy get enough soldiers for their armies?

Both sides had to introduce conscription - after an interval when both sides had expected an early victory.

Was the United States confederacy or the union?

Yes United States was both confederacy and union. They were both two seperate sides in US.

Who won the battles of bull run in the civil war?

There were two US Civil War battles at Bull Run. The Confederates won both. They were called the First Battle of Bull Run and the Second Battle of Bull Run. Both battles were in the same vicinity each other. These Union losses were embarrassing for the Union.

What were men called on both sides in civil war?

Union And Confedarate