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i believe it is the Planaria Worm.

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Q: If cut in half which worm could regenerate into two new worms?
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Which worm does regenerate into two worms?


Can worms mate with themselves?

Yes, Worms can because they are so bendy they are able to have sex by themselves

What would kill a worm by splitting IN HALVE is it having another worm?

Yes, you did incorrectly spell "half". When a worms body is severed, you will usually just have two pieces of a dead worm, though if the worm was cut below the head, sometimes, they can regenerate the tail. Worms do not reproduce in this way.

What kind of worm would regenerate in to tow new worms?

none that i know of

What happens if a worm's skin dries out?

If a worm's skin dries out, the worm would die. They take in oxygen through their bodies so it will dry out easily. This is why they thrive in dark, moist(wet) places. I would suggest that when you handle worms for an experiment or something, ALWAYS keep the worms moist with water. If you are planing to regenerate the worms, check with a zoologist before doing this because not all worms can regenerate. You can probably find them in a phone book or online. I really hope this helps!!!

What does a cut worm become?

If you cut a worm in half, the half with the head on it, the tail will grow back. It will NOT become two worms!!!

Is it true if you cut a worm in half you get 2 worms?


What are the other name of worm?

There are a few types of worms I could name here so I will name them there are : Earth worms , Blood worms , and an Inch worm

What type of worms can be cut in half?

it would continue to live because worms have 4 hearts. :) But if you cut a worm in half and it doesent keep moving its because that's really just half of a worm that someone already cut in half

Do worms regenerate?

An earthworm can regenerate its head and its tail. An example is, if you go dig a earthworm out from the ground and chop it in half then its head will grow a new tail and the tail will grow a new head. Eventually there would be two earthworms. If you cut an earthworm into four piece's then after a few weeks or even months there would be four earthworms. So if you think that if you cut an earthworm you are killing it you are wrong. But if you cut an earthworm into too many piece's, example twelve then you will kill the worm, and after that there is no way to bring it back to life.

Is a worm a WORM?

It depends on your definition of 'worm'. Earth worms and water worms both belong to the Phylum Annelid, if all Annelids are worms then water worms are worms.

What will happen to an earthworm if the clitellum is cut in half?

no you will not get 2 earth worms only the top half of the worm will live if you cut it in half because it's tail will rejenorate while the head on the other half of the worm can not.