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This is just a normal period. There is no need to take a test

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Q: If im have your period and you have some pains like im pregnant can you take a test would it work?
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If im having your period and you have some pains like im pregnant can you stil take a test would it work?

If YOUR having MY period, and I'M having some pains like YOUR pregnant, then WE BOTH BETTER HAVE SOME TESTS DONE because there are some mysterious happenings going on!

Im having slight period pains can you still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant, i had mild period like cramping when i fell pregnant with my 3 kids.

You are 26 weeks pregnant and are having what feels like period pains is this normal?

no it is not normal.

Are stomach pains while pregnant the same as period pains?

Contractions feel like menstrual cramps. If you're pregnant and feel like you have menstrual cramps, call your doctor or go to the hospital. I have 4 children myself. There is no better way to describe the onset of labor than it feels like you are getting ready to start your period.

You haven't had my period in over a month and I'm having abdominal pains that feels like bloating Are you pregnant?

Take a test

Are period pains and pregnancy pains the same?

Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.

If you have implantation bleeding around the time of your period will you have stomach pains as if it was your period?

With my first pregnancy I just had the implantation bleeding, no cramping, I felt wonderful. With my second pregnancy I had awful period like cramps. I didn't think I could be pregnant because it felt like my period was coming.

Can a girl get her period a day after she has been inseminated?

If she was pregnant it would be highly unlikely for her to get her period, however if she wasn't pregnant she should still get her period like normal.

You have been getting pains in your stomace its not like period pain and iv been getting brown blood for one daybut pain for a week before?

You could be pregnant.

Can you have miscarriage-like symptoms and still be pregnant?

What types of symptoms? Like bleeding? Or spotting? You can be pregnant and still have your period, but it won't be like a regular period. More like spotting and not for very long. I don't think they would even call it a period.

Are you pregnant if you had a period but you have morning sickness and still cramp after your period is gone?

You can still bleed while you're pregnant like you would when you get your period. Definitely take a pregnancy test to be sure.

Do you have aBdominal pains if your pregnant?

Yes, when I was about 7 to 12 weeks along i had minor cramping that felt like the cramps I got when I was on my period but my doctor said it is usually caused by your uterus stretching.