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Q: If my ovulation days were between the 24th and 28th and i had protected sex on th 27th and the condom broke and he cam inside me..and a week later am having pregnancy symptoms could i be pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant eventhough you had protected sex and not have any pregnancy symptoms?

Yes, at least in theory. Get a test done.

Could you be pregnant again with your second baby when you just had your period but you have some of the same symptoms you had with your first baby?

If ovulation has occurred, there can be a pregnancy. Some women get periods when they are pregnant. Best to have a gregnancy test.

Does dryness after fertile cervical mucus is a sign of early pregnancy?

Dryness is not a sign of pregnancy and is normal after ovulation. Typically there is more mucus while pregnant. If you're concerned and have other symptoms take a test.

Can you be pregnant and not have the symptoms of pregnancy?

it is possible

Is it possible to be pregnant and have no symptoms of pregnancy?


How long can a woman be pregnant and have no symptoms?

Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.

How soon can you have sypmtoms of pregnancy after intercourse?

The symptoms start about 10 days post ovulation....

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What are pregnancy symptoms Can you have uti for a symptoms become pregnant?

Breast changes,fatigue, nausea and missed periods are theearly symptoms of pregnancy.

When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

Can you feel pregnancy flutters but not be pregnant?

Pregnancy flutters are only for women who are pregnant. If you are not pregnant and believe you have it, it is something else with similar symptoms.

Are you having early pregnancy symptoms if you have had cramping on your left side about a week after ovulation and your nipples have been hard and sensitive?

Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the day of conception, if it is a week before your period there are tests you can take a week before your period that will tell you if you are pregnant or not but a definite sign is a missed period.