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So ive been (just add cool) theres this new movie in the cinemas and ive heard its good wanna go and watch it .If yes act cool and say cool

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Q: If you've known a girl for couple of years and you want to ask her out what do you do?
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How do you create warm text message for a girl?

from a girls personality and how far youve gone im the tomboy type but i like to be called hot and pretty if your girl is the preppy type try to complement her on how she looked that day (also depending on how far youve gone sexualy)

How do you tell a girl that you've known for about a couple months that you like her?

Just say it. If she freaks, then you know she is not for you.

How do you tell if a girl that has known you for years likes you but is scared to admit it?

Ask her.

What is the probability of a couple having four children in the following order girl girl girl boy?

It is not possible to answer the question because:the total number of children that the couple had is not known;the gender of the child depends [mainly] on the father, and is not 0.5;the gender of each child is not independent of the gender of previous children.

Why do some boys put their arms around girl's necks now?

This behaviour is not new it has been going on for many years and will continue for many years to come. It shows closeness and that your a couple - for some reason the couple thinks its "cool".

If you like girl that youve known for awhile and you were planning to ask out soon and another comes along that you are starting to get to know and the new girl has a lot in common but both make happy?

You definitely should give the girl you have known the longest the most respect and ask her out. It is awesome you are getting to know the new girl, but get to know her well before you do anything serious. To be fair, if they both make you happy then neither are anything special and worth the time and commitment if there is someone else that makes you equally happy.

How do you ask out a girl in the 5Th grade?

You really need to do nice things for her and become her personal friend and after you have known her a couple of years try to make your move and don't faint

Did Zac efron dating another girl?

"NO"=He's not vanessa anne hudgens and zac efron are couple==there dating about=10 years

How can you tell if a shy girl who has known you for years likes you for more than just your looks?

ask her .

Can a child legally be left home alone in Virginia?

At 11 Years Old they can be left alone if they're from a married couple. At 12 if they're a girl alone from a non married couple. 13 for a boy if they're alone from a non married couple.

How do i tell a girl that i like her when I've known her for a couple of days she finds most the things I say very funny and we have a lot in common what do i do?

ask her to chill!

Is it possible for a boy to only be with one girl for life and be together for ever?

only if the couple known each other since childhood and are deeply in love>