

Best Answer
One viewHomosexuality and bisexuality are not against The Bible. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgendered people are loved by God as everyone else, and their lives and relationships are blessed by God just as Heteresexuals are.

The problem is that many theologians throughout the ages have mistranslated the Bible, using translations of translationsand in the process not recognizing that certain words such as "homosexual" were never in the original Greek or Hebrew texts, but added in later European Protestant translations!

As for the Hebrew scriptures' so called "prohibition" of homosexual acts, in Leviticus: "a man shall not lie with a man as with womankind, that is an abomination." This statement was referring to a specific culture at a specific time, in addition the term 'abomination,' is defined and used drastically different in our modern usage than the way in which it was defined and used 6000 years ago, or even 600 years ago for that matter! In the Hebrew Scriptures an 'abomination' was something that defied a health code.

Nothing More, Nothing Less!

The book of Leviticus is a book made up primarily of codes and regulations, which were created for a specific culture, at a specific time in history. In part, these codes were created as a means for the Hebrews to define themselves from other cultures, but the primary reason for the creation of these codes was due to a lack of knowledge in regards to hygeine. Due to this, certain codes of health were developed and were seen as very important to follow to the exact degree. If broken, it was actually seen as a betrayal of your community, even immoral!

Homosexuality, because of lack of knowledge and understanding was categorized as unclean and thus a break of one of the health codes, thus an 'abomination'. However, eating shell fish, wearing fabric made of two different types of material, or eating meat and dairy in the same sitting were also considered "abominations".

Most of these codes are not followed today because we recognize that they are simply health codes that existed solely for that community during that specific period in Hebraic history.

It's fascinating how most 'conservative' Christians have NO ISSUE with eating shrimp or lobster, or wearing polyester and cotton, or eating steak and mashed potatoes for that matter. Yet when it comes to homosexuality, they start quoting Leviticus!

The Hypocrisy WOULD BE entertaining if it weren't so sad and detrimental to the mental health and welfare of so many gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gendered people!

For Those individual's who are still confused about the Levitical Codes, I'll reiterate; These codes were created primarily for health reasons, and are NOT to be taken as moral codes handed down by the divine to all of humankind for all of time.

Thus, there is NO "SIN" in homosexuality, nor is there any TRULY VALID prohibition of homosexuality in the scriptures.

Jesus himself NEVER ONCE mentions the issue of homosexuality. Jesus speaks in regards to what he deemed to be all major sins, however, he never once spoke on, or even implied anything on the issue of homosexuality. If homosexuality was a sin, Clearly he would have made some concise effort to clarify that to the people.

God Doesn't make mistakes, and God judges people by whats in their heart.

St. Paul said: "neither male nor female, slave nor free, Greek nor Jew, for all are one in Christ Jesus" God doesn't judge people based on their gender, creed, social status, or sexual orientation, he judges based on who you are as an individual!

God's love is unfathomable and beyond our human understanding, but one thing we do know, is that God is among us, wherever there is love, whether that be between a man and a woman, or two women, or two men. Where love is present, so is God. Remember, when asked what were the primary commandments to follow, Jesus stated,

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength, and love each other, as you love yourselves"

The truth is that Homosexuality is a natural part of the human condition. It has always existed in creation since the beginning of time. God created all people different, some people were created male, some female, some black, some white, some Asian, some Native American, some heterosexual and some homosexual. We are all given different gifts and talents, and we all have a different hand to play at God's table, which we are all welcome at!

Another view

Yes you will, everyone is equal.

Another viewAssuming that you have repented and asked for forgiveness, yes.
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13y ago

Yes, you can go to heaven. Now, different people will tell you different things. Roman Catholics, conservative Protestants, and conservative Jews, and most Muslims will tell you, no, you're going to hell. Liberal Protestants, Reform Jews, and people of other religious groups will say, yes, you have the same chance of getting into heaven as anyone else making a sincere effort to practice whatever religion or denomination it is.

If you are gay and are part of a church that thinks that gay people are going to hell simply because of who you are, then you belong to a bigoted church that believes that God would condemn to hell someone who is born in a certain way. God would not. The best thing you can do for your spirituality and mental health is find a new group of more tolerant people who share your religious views. That might mean changing churches, finding a new church in a different town, etc. But by no means should you accept the homophobic theology of a particular church as definitive.


God is a judge, and he has forbidden this. But God is also mercy. So it depens on how much mercy God will have on day of judgement.

And how much mercy can you have if you are watching a planet full of lairs, frauds, and haters of God, and not wiping it out? If I was God, I would wiped it out long time ago, but I am not God, so God surely will show more mercy than a human.

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10y ago

Whether or not a person believes ANYONE will go to heaven depends entirely on his or her religious faith. No one knows what happens when a person dies.

That said, most people believe that sin is about choice. Since being gay is not a choice, it cannot be a sin. It is not even a sin for gay people to marry because Genesis 2:18 says "And the ETERNAL God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a helper for him."

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8y ago

Most people who believe in Heaven do not think being gay is the ticket in. However, it really depends on your personal beliefs.

Generally speaking, the idea of heaven involves making good choices. Since being gay is not a choice, it has nothing to do with your fate.

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8y ago

according to Christianity and Genisis chapter 18-19, no, you won't.

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No, you will not. But be prepared to hear that others feel differently.

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4y ago

Genesis 2:18 says "And the ETERNAL

God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make a

helper for him." When god says this he means he will find a women to comfort and help him. A women is sent because if a male is sent that relationship will become forbidden and will be counted as a sin. Most likely those to people will not make it into heaven but will fall with the rappist, murderes, and robbers in Hell for eternity.

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